Royal employees Christi Ginn and Diane Holub joined Superintendent Rick Kershner attended the Waller County Commissioners’ Court as the Court approved two Proclamations recognizing April as Domestic Abuse Awareness Month in addition to Child Abuse Awareness Month. Also in attendance were local leaders and representatives from the Waller County Child Welfare Board, CASA Child Advocates, Focusing Families, Texas Department of Family and Protective Services and Katy Christian Ministries (with Katy Mayor Bill Hastings).
Afterwards, attendees joined together on the front steps of the Courthouse for a balloon pop (NOT release) and took a picture in front of the pinwheels and WCCWB Banner. The 125 pinwheels each represents a child who is a victim of child abuse and neglect. Last year, 55 confirmed victims in Waller County & 70 Waller County children in foster care due to abuse and neglect.
Commissioners’ Court calls upon all citizens to raise their awareness of domestic violence and child abuse in our County. Please call 800-252-5400 to report suspected child abuse.
This is also a great time to donate or volunteer to any of these groups that support our children and victims of domestic abuse, or even consider fostering or adopting a child that needs a safe and loving environment in which to grow.
Thank you to all of these groups and their volunteers for all of the work they do in our community to help and protect our most vulnerable. Please consider donating to them to support their missions (links are below).
- Waller County Child Welfare Board
- CASA Child Advocates
- Focusing Families
- Texas Department of Family and Protective Services
- Katy Christian Ministries