Arts A/V Communication

Arts A/V Technology & Communications

The Arts AV and Communication program of study explores the occupations and educational opportunities associated with designing or creating graphics to meet specific commercial or promotional needs, such as packaging, displays, or logos. This program of study may also include exploration into designing clothing and accessories, and creating special effects, animation, or other visual images using film, video, computers, or other electronic tools and media, for use in computer games, movies, music videos, and commercials.

Targeted Industry-Based certification(s) for this Program of Study:

Final Cut Pro X; & Adobe (various levels)

Chase Jacob - Instructor


Principles of Arts, Audio/Video Technology, and Communications (One Credit).

PEIMS: 13008200

Year 1, All Arts, A/V Pathway.

Graphic Design and Illustration l (One Credit).

PEIMS: 13008800

Course 2, Arts, A/V Technology, and Communications pathway.

Prerequisite: Principles of Arts, Audio/Video Technology, and Communications.

Animation l (One Credit).

PEIMS: 13008300

Course 3, Arts, A/V Technology, and Communications pathway.

Prerequisite: Graphic Design and Illustration.

Animation ll (One Credit).

PEIMS: 13008400

Course 4, Arts, A/V Technology, and Communications pathway.

Prerequisite: Animation I.

Practicum in Graphic Design & Illustration/Yearbook (One Credit).

PEIMS: 13009000

This course does not follow a coherent sequence of coursework in Career/Technical Education at Royal High School.

Grade(s) 11-12.

Professional Communications (One-half credit).

PEIMS: 13009900

This course does not follow a coherent sequence of coursework in Career/Technical Education at Royal High School.

*Satisfies “Communication Applications” requirement for graduation.

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Arts Video/Visual Team