On January 17, 2023, the Royal ISD Board of Trustees approved calling a May 6, 2023, bond election in the total amount of $144,420,530. The 2023 bond addresses district wide safety and security, new construction, renovations and remodels, existing facilities, technology infrastructure, and stadium improvements. In accordance with law, the bond is split into two propositions; Proposition A for $138,069,530, which covers general projects, and Proposition B for $6,351,000, which covers stadium improvements. To learn about the proposed projects, please CLICK HERE to visit the Bond 2023 website.
The projects included in the bond are based on recommendations from the Royal Facilities Advisory Committee (FAC). The committee, a diverse group of parents, employees, business owners, and taxpayers met over several months to examine facility needs, costs, and prioritize projects. The FAC came to consensus on the final package and presented the recommendation to the Royal ISD Board of Trustees for consideration at the December 12, 2022, school board meeting. The election will be May 6, 2023, with early voting April 24 through May 2.
Watch the Royal ISD website and social media for additional news and information.