Reminder! Please join us at the Royal Administration Building today from 5pm-6pm to celebrate Diane Holub's retirement. Details: https://www.royal-isd.net/article/1610563 #WeAreRoyal

Greetings, Falcons! If your student is enrolled in summer school and using bus transportation, please ensure that he/she arrives at the bus stop 10-15 minutes early. For our summer routes, the times are estimates.Thank you for your help! #WeAreRoyal #InvestingInOurTomorrow

Summer Learning is so much fun! Check out students in Ms. Garfield's Class participating in engaging math activities! โโ๐ฐ๐งฎ๐โค๏ธ๐ #SuccessStartsHereAtRECC #WeAreRoyal

Today kicked off the first day of Summer School!๐โค๏ธ๐#SuccessStartsHereAtRECC #WeAreRoyal

PK/Kinder Round-up #2! 6/24/2024 8:30-11:30 AM & 6/25/2024 1:00-4:00 PM! This is your chance to register your child for PK & Kinder. If your child attended PK last year at RECC, they're automatically enrolled in Kinder & you don't need to attend.โค๏ธ๐๐ #SuccessStartsHereAtRECC

Save the date! The annual Meet the Falcons event will be held from 6-8pm on Thursday, August 8, 2024! #WeAreRoyal #FalconPride #InvestingInOurTomorrow

Attention Falcon Family! Does your business or organization offer student-friendly free or low-cost summer activities? Please send your flyer to communications@royal-isd.net to be included in the 2024 Falcon Summer
Activity Guide! #WeAreRoyal #InvestingInOurTomorrow #FalconPride

Falcon alumni roll call! Show your Falcon pride by sharing your graduation year and a high school or graduation picture of you! #WeAreRoyal #InvestingInOurTomorrow #FalconPride #OnceAFalconAleaysAFalcon #Legacy #Tradition

Congratulations to our staff that received awards for their years of service in Royal ISD! 5-Years of Service: Ms. Flenory, Mrs. Abraham, Ms. Falls, Mrs. Sandoval, Mrs. Gallegos-Castro, & Ms L. Miller. 10-Years of Service: Ms. Cruz! ๐โค๏ธ๐ #SuccessStartsHereAtRECC #WeAreRoyal #ThankYouForYourCommittment

Starting in one hour: Falcon graduation 2024! Livestream at https://www.merrellcenter.org/about/live-stream at 7pm! ๐๐๐๐๐ป
#WeAreRoyal #InvestingInOurTomorrow #FalconPride

The last day of school was filled with so many emotions for our students and staff! It has been an incredible school year! We hope that everyone has a safe and fun Summer Break! ๐โค๏ธ๐๐โ๏ธ๐๏ธ #SuccessStartsHereAtRECC #WeAreRoyal

Royal ECC's Students First Celebrations for the 4th 9-weeks of school! ๐โค๏ธ๐ #SuccessStartHereAtRECC #WeAreRoyal #PBIS

Unable to attend graduation in person? Join the Class of 2024 Graduation Livestream Link at 7pm on Friday, May 24 at the following link: https://www.merrellcenter.org/about/live-stream #WeAreRoyal #InvestingInOurTomorrow #FalconPride #ClassOf2024 #SOAR

Graduation Information Central: Visit royal-isd.net and click Class of 2024 for information about Graduation 2024! Clear bag policy: https://www.merrellcenter.org/policies-procedures #WeAreRoyal

More storm assistance resources: https://5il.co/2mi3z (Spanish) / https://5il.co/2mi40 (English). Please share with anyone who is in need of assistance. #WeAreRoyal

Good morning, Falcons! Follow Royal ISD and Royal High School on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram! We will be celebrating our Class of 2024 graduates today and tomorrow for our "Graduation Countdown"! #WeAreRoyal #InvestingInOurTomorrow #FalconPride #SOAR #ClassOf2024

Reminder! Early release tomorrow! Elementary (PK-5) will be released at 12:15pm. Secondary (6-12) will be released at 1:00pm!#summerloading #WeAreRoyal

Royal ECC's Campus Student Advisory Committee led by RISD Director of Federal, State, & Student Programs Mrs. Moses! This committee met throughout the year to give students a voice in their school experiences. We are so proud of them! ๐โค๏ธ๐ #SuccessStartsHereAtRECC #WeAreRoyal

Royal ECC's 2023-2024 Principal Award Recipients! Congratulations to all! ๐คโค๏ธ๐ #SuccessStartsHereAtRECC #WeAreRoyal