Please join us on Saturday, 4/29/2023 at 11am for the Royal ECC Fine Arts Extravaganza. This exciting showcase will be held at the Royal High School Performing Arts Center and will feature RECC artwork plus performances by the RJH band, RHS choir, and RHS Jazzettes. #WeAreRoyal
almost 2 years ago, RISD Communications
Please join us on Saturday, 4/29/2023 at 11am for the Royal ECC Fine Arts Extravaganza.  This exciting showcase will be held at the Royal High School Performing Arts Center and will feature RECC artwork plus performances by the RJH band, RHS choir, and RHS Jazzettes. #WeAreRoyal
Please join us on Saturday, 4/29/2023 at 11am for the Royal ECC Fine Arts Extravaganza.  This exciting showcase will be held at the Royal High School Performing Arts Center and will feature RECC artwork plus performances by the RJH band, RHS choir, and RHS Jazzettes. #WeAreRoyal
Royal Bond 2023 has projects proposed that will impact our Falcon CTE students. Visit for a video of CTE Director Ronnie Melton describing the proposed CTE projects. Early voting is underway. Skip the lines and vote early!
almost 2 years ago, RISD Communications
Royal Bond 2023 has projects proposed that will impact our Falcon CTE students. Visit for a video of CTE Director Ronnie Melton describing the proposed CTE projects. Early voting is underway.  Skip the lines and vote early!
Morning Huddle with Team Kindergarten! Go Team! โค๏ธ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ˜€ #SuccessStartsHereAtRECC #WeAreRoyal
almost 2 years ago, Katacha Miller
Falcon Watch: Early Voting. Get the facts and vote! Your vote is your voice.
almost 2 years ago, RISD Communications
Falcon Watch: Early Voting. Get the facts and vote! Your vote is your voice.
Falcon Watch: Early Voting. Get the facts and vote! Your vote is your voice.
Falcon Watch: Early Voting. Get the facts and vote! Your vote is your voice.
Today was Pattern Day at Royal ECC in honor of Math Awareness Month!Congratulations Mrs. Sanchezโ€™s Kindergarten Class on winning todayโ€™s Math Challenge! Way to go!โค๏ธ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ˜€ #SuccessStartsHereAtRECC #WeAreRoyal #MathAwarenessMonth
almost 2 years ago, Katacha Miller
Today is School Bus Driver Appreciation Day! Please thank your Falcon's bus driver this afternoon!
almost 2 years ago, RISD Communications
Today is School Bus Driver Appreciation Day! Please thank your Falcon's bus driver this afternoon!
Join us on Saturday at 9am at Royal ECC for a district bus tour. Breakfast will be provided while supplies last. After the tour, head to the RHS Performing Arts Center at 11am for a bond presentation by Superintendent Kershner. Early voting is underway. Your vote is your voice!
almost 2 years ago, RISD Communications
Join us on Saturday at 9am at Royal ECC for a district bus tour. Breakfast will be provided (while supplies last). Following the tour, head to the RHS PAC fat 11am or a bond presentation by Superintendent Rick Kershner. Early voting is underway. Your vote is your voice!
Join us on Saturday at 9am at Royal ECC for a district bus tour. Breakfast will be provided (while supplies last). Following the tour, head to the RHS PAC fat 11am or a bond presentation by Superintendent Rick Kershner. Early voting is underway. Your vote is your voice!
Good morning Falcons! Due to driver shortages, buses 45 and 53 may run late today. We apologize for the delay.
almost 2 years ago, RISD Communications
Royal ISD Message:: Good morning Falcons! Due to driver shortages, buses 45 and 53 may run late today. We apologize for the delay.
Just a friendly reminder that tomorrow is MAM - Pattern Day! (Wear Stripes, Shapes, etc. to show your geometric side!) ๐Ÿฆ“๐Ÿ”ดโ–ช๏ธ๐Ÿ”ป๐Ÿ”ธ๐ŸŸช๐ŸŸขโ™ฅ๏ธ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ˜€ #SuccessStartsHereAtRECC #WeAreRoyal #MathAwarenessMonth
almost 2 years ago, Katacha Miller
Today Mrs. Youngโ€™s 1st Grade Class practiced measuring one object with two different units! They also were able to explain why the measurements were different. Way to go! โค๏ธ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ˜€ #SuccessStartsHereAtRECC #WeAreRoyal
almost 2 years ago, Katacha Miller
Good morning Falcons! Due to driver shortages, buses 45, 53 , and 63 may run late today. We apologize for the delay.
almost 2 years ago, RISD Communications
Royal ISD Message:: Good morning Falcons! Due to driver shortages, buses 45, 53 and 63 may run late today. We apologize for the delay.
Get the facts! Did you know that Sunterra has sections in both Royal ISD (1992 lots) and Katy ISD (5000 lots)? Early voting starts tomorrow!
almost 2 years ago, RISD Communications
Get the facts! Did you know that Sunterra has sections in both Royal ISD (1992 lots) and Katy ISD (5000 lots)? Early voting starts tomorrow!
Learn more at Royal has a page dedicated to financial transparency: encourage you to use the resources included in this message to get all the facts about the Bond and about whatโ€™s happening at Royal!
almost 2 years ago, RISD Communications
Royal Bond 2023
Royal Bond 2023
Did you know that Royal has created a website designed to provide all the facts about Royal Bond 2023? Head to and click "Royal Bond 2023". Royal is committed to transparency. Still have questions? Contact us at 281-934-6940 or
almost 2 years ago, RISD Communications
Royal Bond 2023
Greetings, Falcons! Early voting starts on Monday, April 24. Visit the website at, call us at 281-934-6940, or email us at to get the facts. Please vote early to make your voice heard! Have a great weekend!
almost 2 years ago, RISD Communications
Greetings, Falcons! Early voting starts on Monday, April 24. Visit the Royal website at to get the facts. Please vote early to make your voice heard! Have a great weekend!
Superintendent Rick Kershner here with a video message: Royal Bond 2023 projects focus on safe and secure schools, a response to enrollment growth, and the preservation of legacy and tradition. Vote Early April 24th - May 2nd!
almost 2 years ago, RISD Communications
Superintendent Rick Kershner here with a video message: Royal Bond 2023 projects focus on safe and secure schools, a response to enrollment growth, and the preservation of legacy and tradition. Vote Early April 24th - May 2nd!
Good morning Falcons! Due to driver shortages, bus 63 may run late today. We apologize for the delay.
almost 2 years ago, RISD Communications
Good morning Falcons! Due to driver shortages, bus 63 may run late today. We apologize for the delay.
Royal ECC Teacher Appreciation Breakfast. May 1. Donations can be dropped off beginning at 6:45am. Please sign up at #WeAreRoyal
almost 2 years ago, RISD Communications
Teacher Appreciation Breakfast
Today Royal ECC hosted โ€˜Capturing My Childโ€™s Heartโ€™ Open Hours for Kindergarten. Parents had the opportunity to sign-up and attend this event! Thanks for your continued partnership in your childโ€™s education! โค๏ธ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ˜€ #SuccessStartsHereRECC #WeAreRoyal
almost 2 years ago, Katacha Miller
Interested in learning more about Bond 2023? Join us tonight at 6pm at the Royal High School Performing Arts Center to hear a presentation from Superintendent Kershner. The short bond presentation will be followed by an important ECHS informational session. Please plan to attend if your student is interested in the Royal ECHS program!
almost 2 years ago, RISD Communications
Interested in learning more about Bond 2023? Join us tonight at 6pm at the Royal High School Performing Arts Center to hear a presentation from Superintendent Kershner. The short bond presentation will be followed by an important ECHS informational session. Please plan to attend if your student is interested in the Royal ECHS program!
Interested in learning more about Bond 2023? Join us tonight at 6pm at the Royal High School Performing Arts Center to hear a presentation from Superintendent Kershner. The short bond presentation will be followed by an important ECHS informational session. Please plan to attend if your student is interested in the Royal ECHS program!