Due to driver shortages, buses 64 and 70 may run late today.
Did you vote today? RHS teacher Ms. Pike and CTE Director Mr. Melton did! If you did as well, please share a picture of you wearing your "I Voted" sticker and use #FalconVoices! We would love to see pics of our Class of 2023 Falcons making their voices heard for the first time!
Royal recently posted a news item with instructions on how to access the curriculum on the RISD website (Menu/Departments/Teaching & Learning). To provide more clarity, we have updated the news item with the direct links to the materials. https://www.royal-isd.net/article/881505
Today was Celebrate Life! Dynamic Duo Day! Double, Triple or Team UP against drugs and bullying! ❤️💙😀 #SuccessStartsHereAtRECC #WeAreRoyal
This week is Red Ribbon Week! Royal ECC's Theme : Celebrate Life and Live Drug Free! Checkout our Instructional Leadership Team's Video!
Interested in joining Royal's 2022-2023 School Health Advisory Council (SHAC)? Please send an email to wharrison@royal-isd.net to request an application. https://www.royal-isd.net/page/shac
Vote for Zakai Anderson for Texas HS Football player of the week! #WeAreRoyal
Due to drivers shortages, buses 64 and 70 may run late today.
Due to drivers shortages, buses 64 and 70 will run late today.
7-1 record! Visit Here is something from MaxPreps I thought you would like: https://t.maxpreps.com/3eTscVU for team stats! #WeAreRoyal
This week our Ancillary and Prekindergarten Teams celebrated Mrs. Moses! ❤️💙😀 #NationalPrincipalsMonth #SuccessStartsHereAtRECC
Bus 64 had a pulley sieze and a broken belt. The drive has pulled off the road to a safe place. Another bus is on the way to pick up the students. Thank you for your patience as we work to get all our Falcons home safely.
Bus 64 had a pulley sieze and a broken belt. The drive has pulled off the road to a safe place. Another bus is on the way to pick up the students. Thank you for your patience as we work to get all our Falcons home safely.
Royal ECC’s Red Ribbon Dress-up Days for next week! ❤️💙😀 #SuccessStartsHereAtRECC #WeAreRoyal
Today Royal ECC had our First 9-Weeks Awards Ceremonies! We are so proud of our Little Falcons! Thanks parents for attending! ❤️💙😀 #SuccessStartsHereAtRECC #WeAreRoyal
Join us tonight in Sweeny to cheer on the Falcons! #WeAreRoyal
Royal ISD is closed for a Staff Workday on Monday, October 31. See attached flyers if you are looking for Halloween activities offered on that day!
National Principals Month Tribute to Mrs. Moses by the Royal ECC Ancillary Team
Due to drivers shortages, buses 48 and 70 may run late today.
This week we celebrated students who consistently follow our school expectations during our Students First Events! Students had the opportunity to participate in organized play and eat a snack! Thanks to everyone for making these events run smoothly! ❤️💙🤗 #SuccessStartsHereAtRECC