The Title III parent event, La Cosecha (Spanish for "The Harvest"), was a tremendous success! We are deeply grateful to the parents, teachers, and sponsors who made this event possible.
A special thank you goes to our raffle prize donors, Ashcraft Bakery and Pattiโs Diner. Weโd also like to give a big shoutout to Mr. Espinoza, Mrs. Espinoza, Mrs. Piรฑeiro, Ms. Ortega, Mrs. Mechler, Mrs. Brents, Ms. Morgan, and Mr. Zelaya for their time and dedication in helping make this event extraordinary.
Lastly, a heartfelt thank you to our inspiring guest speakers, Nicole Da Sant-Ryan and Evelyn Martinez from Region 4, who shared such valuable insights.
It truly takes a village, and we are so proud to be #InvestingInOurTomorrow!