Holidays 2020, Falcon style! Visit https://youtu.be/M6PraVO2Y2c to view a compilation of photos from the Falcon family's holiday celebrations!

Greetings, Falcons! We hope you are staying warm on this chilly day. Royal ISD is continuing to monitor the weather. As of now, freezing temperatures are not expected for our area, but we will inform you if anything changes. Have a great evening!

Interested in earning extra income? Royal ISD is always in need of additional bus drivers and substitute teachers. Visit https://royalisd.tedk12.com/hire/index.aspx to apply today!

Reminder! Royal ISD is still offering the Falcon Learning Zone WiFi buses at locations around the district. Please visit https://5il.co/of3g for the schedule.

January is School Board Appreciation Month, and we will be sharing posts throughout the month to give insight into what the RISD school board does for our community. Today's video is just for students: Role of a School Board. https://player.vimeo.com/video/145640536

Welcome back, Falcons! We are so excited to see you! Friendly reminder for remote learners: make sure you log into your Google Classroom daily and that you check your email regularly for updates from your teachers. Have a great day!

Important reminder for all face-to-face Falcon families! As your students return to campus tomorrow, it is vital that each family screen students for COVID-19 symptoms each morning before school. Visit http://bit.ly/391ocvz for a list of symptoms and protocols. Welcome back!

RISD staff is available at each campus for Royal employees and face-to-face learners in need of COVID-19 testing on 1/4 and 1/5. Please refer to https://www.royal-isd.net/article/373435?org=royal-isd for guidelines and recommendations as your students prepare to return to campus.

Wishing all of our Falcons the happiest of New Years! Goodbye 2020! We definitely won’t miss you! We look forward to seeing all of you on Wednesday, January 6!

Calling all Falcons! We hope your holidays have been merry and bright so far, and we would love to see pictures of your holiday celebrations! Please send pictures to falconstrong@royal-isd.net. Photos will be shared online in the coming days. Thank you!


Did you know that Royal posts a “Falcon Week at a Glance” each Sunday? It’s a great reference to use throughout the week to keep on top of daily events, announcements, and more! Visit https://www.smore.com/b0wz5 for the 12/14-12/20 newsletter.

Reminders for 12/14: Houston Food Bank distribution, Royal High School (by the PAC), 4-6pm. Regular Board Meeting, 6:30pm, Zoom. Lady Falcons Varsity Basketball, Katy at Royal, 4:30/6:00 JV/V.
RJH Lady Falcons Basketball, Clute at Royal.

Season’s Greetings From Royal High School!

Women's varsity basketball - Concordia Lutheran@Royal, today at 5:30pm.

The Hangar Unity Center: Drive-Thru Christmas Family Event. Join the Hangar (4010 4th St, Brookshire TX) on December 20, 3-4:30pm to visit Santa, pick up a gingerbread house building kit, and more! See attached flyer for complete details.

The Bookworm Bus Story Time - Quail Ridge Apartments, 3-5pm. https://www.facebook.com/events/695889838031310

Great news for Falcon families! We are pleased to announce that meals will continue to be offered at no cost to Royal families for the remainder of the 2020-2021 school year.

Holiday ‘grift’ exchange? Gift cards also are a favorite way for scammers to steal people’s money. Anyone who demands that you pay them with a gift card, for any reason, is always a scammer. Read more here: https://bit.ly/2Le8Ona. Have a safe and happy holiday season!

Royal ISD would like your input as we develop a leadership profile for the next Falcon Athletic Director. The survey expires today at 11pm.
English: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/FalconADProfile / Spanish: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/C75FLVL. Thank you for your help!