From the Texas SkillsUSA Director:
We are currently preparing a contingency plan that includes virtual competitions. More information will be posted after our board approves or recommends other means to accomplish this on Tuesday. Don’t give up.
We are working to allow students that have worked to be state eligible to compete safely but with validity and with ethical standards.
We are planning to schedule these competitions between April 1 – 15 so that students will be able to return to school and use your lab when necessary. For some competitions this may be a complication we will not be able to overcome. With this in mind we are reviewing virtual competitions that will not require the use of your labs. This will allow students to compete while secure in their own home.
Students may not be able to travel to the national conference in June. However, I feel we should acknowledge our students’ talent and their accomplishments by allowing them to compete safely. We are reviewing options to conduct an online awards recognition ceremony.
In my opinion, students and advisors have worked too hard to just all out cancel this event. However, we must remain vigilant and follow recommendations from professionals in the health care field and our government officials. Student and advisor safety is our #1 concern.