After much consideration and deliberation, Waller County Judge Trey Duhon has drafted an order to mitigate community spread of COVID-19. The following is an excerpt for his 3.25.2020 update. Click here to view the entire message.

"And after considerable and prayerful thought, I have decided not to issue a Stay at Home Order. Rather, I will be proposing a handful of restrictions that place the burden on individuals, business owners, and religious groups to take measures to substantially reduce the spread of the virus. After discussing these provisions with our Mayors, I have their full 100% support.

Again, this does not mean that circumstances may not dictate something different tomorrow, but for now, we will be taking a proactive approach that also respects the right of businesses to operate and will help people stay employed...

I will be discussing these restrictions tomorrow at Commissioners Court at 9 am. I would encourage everyone to follow the livestream of the meeting at http://wallercountytx.swagit.com/live. Please keep in mind that we will be practicing social distancing at the Commissioners Courtroom so only 10 people will be allowed in the Courtroom, and given the fact that the Court is comprised of 5 court members, in addition to legal counsel and the county auditors, there won't be much room for anyone else. Anyone attending in excess of this number will have to wait out in the hallway. As such, I would please request that the public watch the meeting via the livestream."