Royal ISD is excited to welcome students back for the 2021-2022 school year. All staff and students will return to campuses for in-person learning and activities. The safety, security, and well-being of all students, staff and visitors are top priorities for RISD. Click here to view the entire Back-to-School Plan for 2021-2022.
- Learning Options: All Royal ISD students will return for face-to-face learning on August 19, 2021. At this time, RISD does not have a virtual learning option in place.
- Masks: Masks are not required but are strongly encouraged. Personal choice about mask wearing is always to be respected by all staff, students, parents and visitors. Face coverings protect not only the wearer, but also significantly reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19.
- Vaccines: The COVID-19 vaccine is not currently mandated by state law. Royal ISD does not require proof of COVID-19 vaccination.
- Social Distancing: Campus staff will facilitate social distancing as much as possible during the school day.
- Sanitation: Heightened sanitation measures will be in place to keep our buildings clean and safe. When warranted, we may close all or part of a building for disinfection purposes.
- Reporting: A communication will be sent to the school community when there is a reported positive case on one of our campuses. Students and staff identified as being a close contact to a positive case will be notified by the district.
- Dashboard: Cases will be reported on the RISD COVID Dashboard.
- Positive Tests:
- Staff who test positive or are symptomatic will self-report to their supervisors and to Human Resources. Parents will report for their child if their student is symptomatic or tests positive for COVID-19.
- Students and staff who test positive for COVID-19 but do not have any symptoms must stay home until at least 10 days after the day they were tested.
- Return to School/Work: The following criteria must be met to return to school/work.
- At least 10 days since symptoms first appeared OR since a positive test result; AND,
- At least 24 hours with no fever (100° F / 37.8° C) without fever-reducing medication; AND,
- Other symptoms of COVID-19 are improving
- A negative COVID-19 test is NOT required.
- Support: School counselors and other mental health supports will be available to assist those impacted by COVID-19.
Royal ISD will continue to monitor COVID-19 data in our area as well as local, state, and national guidelines, and will communicate any changes as necessary.