Royal Takes Home State Championship Honors in FFA STEM Video Contest

Members of the Royal FFA Chapter were honored as the state winner in the first annual FFA STEM Video competition.  The team was required to plan, design, and create a promotional video that showcased their local FFA Chapter and its members, mission, goals, and activities.  Royal chose to focus on the “Technology” piece of STEM education.  Their video toured the Royal FFA website, explaining each tab and icon in detail.  This video is a great way for new members and their parents to familiarize themselves with the history, legacy, and opportunities available within the Royal FFA Chapter.

Justin Brands Company, a corporate sponsor of the Texas FFA Association, recognized the Royal FFA team at this summer’s Texas FFA Convention in Fort Worth.  Each team member was awarded a pair of Justin boots, cap, and shirt.  Pictured below are the winning team members. (Left to Right) Melani Alanis, Alexis Ibarra, Alondra Melendez, Emily Contreras, and Samantha Lopez.