On Saturday, November 13, 2021, Royal FFA traveled to Sealy High School for the 2021 Bluebonnet District LDE competitions. After a challenging day of events, Royal FFA advanced a total of 5 teams to the upcoming Area XI competition. A total of four, 1st Place teams and a second place team advanced to the next round of competition. The individual teams were Senior Chapter Conducting who placed 1st Place (Alondra Melendez, Melani Alanis, Juan Grimaldo, Emily Contreras, Angel Velasquez, & Kayla Jung). Senior Agricultural Skills, who placed 1st as well (Samantha Lopez, Jessica Payton, Hanna Ulbricht). Radio Broadcasting placed 1st, (Litize Gonzalez, Kayla Jung, Kayla Longoria). Public Relations was another 1st Place team (Kayla Longoria, Kaylee Meader, Kaelyn Hein, Elizabeth Ibarra). Junior Agricultural Skills placed 2nd (Keylin Aragon, Karime Melgar, Janet Quinter). In addition, Ag Issues placed fourth teams members are Litzie Gonzales, Vladimir Moreno, Salma Reyes, Stephanie DeLaRosa, Cynthia Rivera,, Senior Creed placing 6th (Valdamir Moreno) & Greenhand Creed placing 5th (Kimberely Pedraza), Ag Advocacy placing 4th team members are Katia Mendoza, Deysi Rivera, Isabell Bishop, Averi Rongey and Brianna Diezi), Senior Quiz placing 4th (Jaylyn Danz, Lauren HIllsman, Elyssa Pruner and Dana Smith) and Job Interview placing 7th (Jaylyn Danz) Royal FFA wishes our advancing teams the best of luck for their Area XI competitions at Blinn College this Saturday, November 20, 2021.