Congratulations to the Royal FFA State Qualifying Leadership Development Event Teams for qualifying the State Competition at Sam Houston State University in Huntsville, Texas. Leadership Development Events focus on creating situations for members to demonstrate their abilities in public speaking, decision making, communication and their knowledge of agriculture and the FFA organization. Team and individual events are used to reinforce what is taught in agricultural science classrooms. Our local Royal FFA teams advancing to the Semi - Finals as well as the Finals on Saturday, December 4th were Senior Chapter Conducting and Senior Skills. The Senior Chapter Conducting team consisted of Alondra Melendez, Melani Alanis, Juan Grimaldo, Kayla Jung, Emily Contreras and Angel Velasquez. Senior Skills team members Hanna Ulbricht, Jessica Payton and Samantha Lopez. The teams both competed in the Semi-Finals on Friday, December 3rd and advanced to the Final round of competition on Saturday December 4th. There are 1,032 FFA Chapters in the State of Texas that have teams in varying events. Senior Skills finished 2nd in the State of Texas with approximately 296 teams competing and Senior Chapter Conducting finished 6th Place with approximately 175 entries . Congratulations to the Royal FFA Leadership Development Event Teams on a successful Fall 2021 Leadership Season.
On their path to State, Royal FFA took five teams to the Area XI Leadership Development Event competitions at Boling High School. After a challenging day with 12 different schools from 4 different FFA districts; Royal FFA took two 1st Place teams, Advancing to the State competition. One of the teams was Senior Agricultural Skills (Jessica Payton, Samantha Lopez, Hanna Ulbricht). The other team was Senior Chapter Conducting, who have been waiting and working for this moment for the last six years (Alondra Melendez, Melani Alanis, Juan Grimaldo, Emily Contreras, Angel Velasquez, & Kayla Jung). In addition, Junior Agricultural Skills placed 4th (Keylin Aragon, Karime Melgar, Janet Quinter). Public Relations placed 5th (Kayla Longoria, Kaylee Meader, Kaelyn Hein, Elizabeth Ibarra). Lastly, the Radio Broadcasting team placed 9th (Litize Gonzalez, Kayla Jung, Kayla Longoria). Royal FFA wishes our advancing teams the best of luck for the Texas FFA State Competition at Sam Houston State University.