UPDATE! We are extending the deadline from Wednesday, July 15 to Friday, July 17. This change will allow RISD to provide additional information and will allow parents and guardians sufficient time to make the best choice for their students. https://bit.ly/2Dmkv7l
over 4 years ago, RISD Communications
UPDATE! We are extending the deadline from Wednesday, July 15 to Friday, July 17. This change will allow RISD to provide additional information and will allow parents and guardians sufficient time to make the best choice for their students. https://bit.ly/2Dmkv7l
Free COVID-19 testing will be offered on July 23 at the Pattison Fire Department. Please follow the City of Brookshire Police Department Facebook page for more details. A registration link will be shared when it becomes available.
over 4 years ago, RISD Communications
Brookshire PD
Beat the heat with a movie and a treat every Wednesday in July! To register, please call Angie Ibarra at at 281-375-5233 or Aaron DiIorio at 979-826-7718. Tickets are first come, first served. Visit https://www.royal-isd.net/article/255987?org=royal-isd for program details.
over 4 years ago, RISD Communications
Beat the heat with a movie and a treat  every Wednesday in July! To register, please call Angie Ibarra at at 281-375-5233 or Aaron DiIorio at 979-826-7718. Tickets are first come, first served. Visit https://www.royal-isd.net/article/255987?org=royal-isd for program details.
Good morning, Falcons! Our partner for the Falcon Meal Distribution has experienced a delay from their supplier, and meals will not be available for pick up today, Monday 7/6/2020. We apologize for any inconvenience and we thank you for your understanding.
over 4 years ago, RISD Communications
Good morning, Falcons! Our partner for the Falcon Meal Distribution has experienced a delay from their supplier, and meals will not be available for pick up today, Monday 7/6/2020. We apologize for any inconvenience and we thank you for your understanding.
Make maintaining math skills easier: Your teen may avoid practicing math over the summer if he finds it a struggle. So share a few tips that make math more manageable. Encourage him to use different colors for different operations, and graph paper to help keep columns of numbers neat. Working with hands-on objects can help him visualize problems. Your teen can also email the teacher or search online to find resources for practicing certain skills. http://niswc.com/36gFC320271
over 4 years ago, RISD Communications
Royal ISD wishes you a safe and happy Fourth of July! Harris County has issued new guidelines prohibiting outdoor gatherings of 10 or more. Details are available at https://bit.ly/2NYBbDS.
over 4 years ago, RISD Communications
Fourth of July
Greetings Falcon family! The Hangar Food Pantry will be closed on Friday, July 3. It will return at its normal time on Friday, July 10. #thehangarbrookshire
over 4 years ago, RISD Communications
Beat the heat with a movie and a treat every Wednesday in July! To register, please call Angie Ibarra at at 281-375-5233 or Aaron DiIorio at 979-826-7718. Tickets are first come, first served. Visit https://www.royal-isd.net/article/255987?org=royal-isd for program details.
over 4 years ago, RISD Communications
Beat the heat with a movie and a treat  every Wednesday in July! To register, please call Angie Ibarra at at 281-375-5233 or Aaron DiIorio at 979-826-7718. Tickets are first come, first served. Visit https://www.royal-isd.net/article/255987?org=royal-isd for program details.
Don't forget! The Pandemic EBT application deadline is June 30, 2020. Visit https://www.royal-isd.net/article/262657?org=royal-isd for details. (Espaรฑol: https://www.royal-isd.net/o/Royal%20ISD/page/p-ebt--3)
over 4 years ago, RISD Communications
Don't forget!   The Pandemic EBT application deadline is June 30, 2020. Visit https://www.royal-isd.net/article/262657?org=royal-isd for details.  (Espaรฑol: https://www.royal-isd.net/o/Royal%20ISD/page/p-ebt--3)
Reminder! Royal ISD will be closed from June 29 through July 3. The Falcon Drive-Thru Meal Distribution will be closed on those days as well. Wishing you a happy and safe Fourth of July!
over 4 years ago, RISD Communications
Reminder! Royal ISD will be closed from June 29 through July 3. The Falcon Drive-Thru Meal Distribution will be closed on those days as well.  Wishing you a happy and safe Fourth of July!
Texas Governor Greg Abbott Takes Executive Action To Contain Spread Of COVID-19: The new order contains directives for restaurants, bars, and more. https://gov.texas.gov/news/post/governor-abbott-takes-executive-action-to-contain-spread-of-covid-19
over 4 years ago, RISD Communications
See you all tomorrow at 10am for our food pantry drive thru! ๐Ÿ‘Š๐Ÿพ #Thehangarbrookshire #Brookshiretx #eyesonmeinc #community @ The Hangar Unity Center
over 4 years ago, RISD Communications
Friday Food Pantry at The Hangar Brookshire
Good evening, Falcons! Each campus website now contains a link at the top that contains important information for the remainder of summer 2020!
over 4 years ago, RISD Communications
Good evening, Falcons! Each campus website now contains a link at the top that contains important information for the remainder of summer 2020!
Beat the heat with a movie and a treat every Wednesday in July! To register, please call Angie Ibarra at at 281-375-5233 or Aaron DiIorio at 979-826-7718. Tickets are first come, first served. Visit https://www.royal-isd.net/article/255987?org=royal-isd for program details.
over 4 years ago, RISD Communications
Beat the heat with a movie and a treat  every Wednesday in July! To register, please call Angie Ibarra at at 281-375-5233 or Aaron DiIorio at 979-826-7718. Tickets are first come, first served. Visit https://www.royal-isd.net/article/255987?org=royal-isd for program details.
WE NEED YOUR HELP! The Gulf Coast Regional Blood Center is facing severe shortages. Please consider visiting them at the Brookshire Volunteer Fire Department on Friday, June 26, 10am-6pm. Visit https://www.royal-isd.net/article/261710?org=royal-isd for complete details.
over 4 years ago, RISD Communications
The Gulf Coast Regional Blood Center is facing severe shortages at this time. Please consider visiting them at the Brookshire Volunteer Fire Department on Friday, June 26, 10am-6pm. Visit https://www.royal-isd.net/article/261710?org=royal-isd for complete details.
The Gulf Coast Regional Blood Center is facing severe shortages at this time. Please consider visiting them at the Brookshire Volunteer Fire Department on Friday, June 26, 10am-6pm. Visit https://www.royal-isd.net/article/261710?org=royal-isd for complete details.
over 4 years ago, RISD Communications
The Gulf Coast Regional Blood Center is facing severe shortages at this time. Please consider visiting them at the Brookshire Volunteer Fire Department on Friday, June 26, 10am-6pm. Visit https://www.royal-isd.net/article/261710?org=royal-isd for complete details.
Reminder! ROTC cadets may return their uniforms on today from 8am-10am in the ROTC room at Royal High School. Uniforms must be cleaned prior to their return. Missing items must be paid for (cash only - receipts will be issued). Thank you!
over 4 years ago, RISD Communications
ROTC cadets may return their uniforms today from 8am-10am in the ROTC room at Royal High School. Uniforms must be cleaned prior to their return. Missing items must be paid for (cash only - receipts will be issued). Thank you!
Reminder! ROTC cadets may return their uniforms on Tuesday 6/23/20 from 8am-10am in the ROTC room at Royal High School. Uniforms must be cleaned prior to their return. Missing items must be paid for (cash only - receipts will be issued). Thank you!
over 4 years ago, RISD Communications
Reminder! ROTC cadets may return their uniforms on Tuesday 6/23/20 from 8am-10am in the ROTC room at Royal High School. Uniforms must be cleaned prior to their return. Missing items must be paid for (cash only - receipts will be issued). Thank you!
June 19 commemorates the end of slavery in the U.S. Take a moment today to talk with your kids about the importance of justice and freedom.
over 4 years ago, RISD Communications
Juneteenth 2020
June 19, 2020 marks the 155th celebration of Juneteenth, which marks the end of slavery in the United States.
over 4 years ago, RISD Communications
Juneteenth 2020 marks the 155th anniversary of the end of slavery.