Reminder! Item pickup for high school is tomorrow, May 20. Pickup for all other campuses is Thursday, May 21. Visit https://5il.co/g982 (Espanol: https://5il.co/g983) to view the full schedule.

Attention RHS Athletes! We will hold our 2020 Athletic Banquet via Zoom tonight at 6:00PM as a Zoom meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83194162753

Attention all Seniors. You must return your laptops and any books (library or textbooks) to the RHS Library on Wednesday, May 20th from 8:00am to 10:00am. You will also be allowed to clean out your lockers during this period. Reminder: All fees and fines must be cleared on this date. Feel free to contact me if you have any additional questions.
Mr. Runnels

Falcon parents and students, the Edgenuity learning platform is currently down. We will send an update once it is back online. Thank you!

Greetings Falcons! Visit https://www.royal-isd.net/article/248736?org=royal-isd to see this week's list of senior spotlights on the RISD billboard!

Add the Class of 2020 Facebook Profile Picture Frame to your page! Visit www.facebook.com/profilepicframes/?selected_overlay_id=276279243546754

Greetings Falcons! Please Visit https://5il.co/g5qn to view the updated Falcon Learning Zone WiFi Locations for the week of May 18 through May 29.

Have you completed the Royal ISD โSuperintendent Leadership Profile Questionnaireโ? Your feedback is vital! Visit https://www.royal-isd.net/o/royal-isd/page/superintendent-search--14) to make your voice heard prior to the May 24th deadline!

Reminder: Towne Hall Zoom Meeting today at 6:00pm for all students and parents grades 9 thru 11 at Royal High School. See you tonight.
Principal Runnels

Visit https://www.royal-isd.net/o/royal-isd/page/2020-teachers-week to see all of the ways Royal teachers are appreciated by our students!

From KHOU Houston: 2020 grads! We want to celebrate you!! Email photos as an attachment to GreatDayHouston@khou.com (taken by you - no professional photos accepted!) for a chance to be featured on Great Day Houston!

Happy Mother's Day from Royal ISD to all the mothers, teachers, aunts, sisters, friends, and all women who inspire and love a child! May your day be filled with love, laughter, peace, and glitter that someone else cleans up. Have a beautiful day!

Reminder to all Seniors in the RHS Class of 2020. Our Senior Celebration will today (May 7th) at 6:00 pm. Seniors you may pick up your cap and gowns at this time. We are very proud of you and your accomplishments!!! Congratulations to the Royal High School Class of 2020!!!
Principal Runnels
Go Falcons!!!

Reminder! Apply by May 10 if you are interested in joining the Royal Wave! Visit https://www.royal-isd.net/article/238674?org=royal-isd for details. Have questions? Email Band Director Gary Miller at gmiller@royal-isd.net.

Good evening Falcons! 35 responses so far. Please keep submitting teacher appreciation messages! https://forms.gle/Dhm8S2JQB9ieRdkEA

One more new scholarship opportunity has been posted! Visit https://www.royal-isd.net/o/royal-isd/page/2020-scholarship-opportunities to view the Royal FFA Advisory Committee Scholarship details! Good luck!

New CTE scholarship opportunities have been posted! Visit https://www.royal-isd.net/o/royal-isd/page/2020-scholarship-opportunities to view the new John England, Gregory Fund, and Josh Guidry scholarship details! Good luck!

New Scholarship Opportunity! Visit our Scholarship Opportunities page to learn about the "WEST I-10 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE SCHOLARSHIP". Good luck! https://www.royal-isd.net/o/royal-isd/page/2020-scholarship-opportunities

Good evening Falcons! We have 17 responses so far in our Teacher Appreciation Week form! Please keep submitting messages to show our teachers how much we appreciate them! Let's see which campus can generate the most responses! Thanks! https://forms.gle/LmTyU1QpF4567iup6

Quarantined at home? It can be a challenge to keep yourself occupied. Watch as RJH Theater students perform the play "10 Ways to Survive Life in a Quarantine". https://www.royal-isd.net/article/241510?org=royal-isd