The 3/18 Royal Cosmetology Mardi Gras Competition is postponed. The new date will be announced soon!
almost 5 years ago, RISD Communications
mardi gras
Did you know that RHS has a newsletter? To view the most recent issue and keep up with what's happening at RHS, please visit Prior issues are available at
almost 5 years ago, RISD Communications
Royal Times
The Royal FFA Parade Committee has named the Royal FFA Advisor Team as the 2020 Grand Marshal. Congratulations!
almost 5 years ago, RISD Communications
ffa advisors
The Royal Relays will be take place on Friday, 3/6/20 at the RISD track and field stadium. The field events will start at 3:30pm and the running events will start at 5:30pm. Track shirts will be available at the meet for $5 and $10. Good luck to all participants!
almost 5 years ago, RISD Communications
track team
track shirt
No School Friday for Students! Happy Spring Break March 6-13. Have a safe and healthy Spring Break!
almost 5 years ago, RHS High School
spring Break
Congratulations RHS SkillsUSA students and CTE staff as they head to STATE Competition Corpus Christi Tx in April. #hardwork pays off, we are excited to keep the tradition of excelling in CTE programs alive and bountiful. Good luck to all the new students / returning students!
almost 5 years ago, RHS High School
Please snap a picture of you wearing your “I Voted Today” sticker and share on one of the Royal Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram pages! #royalisdvotes Visit for info.
almost 5 years ago, RISD Communications
Congratulations to Gary Miller Jr. on his .500 batting average at the team’s recent tournament!
almost 5 years ago, RISD Communications
The lady falcons earned a well deserved 2-1 win tonight against Stafford. The girls played amazing soccer.
almost 5 years ago, RISD Communications
Reminder! Friday 2/28/20 - RHS College & Career Day, 7:30am-11:30am. Post your selfies with your favorite booth. Don't forget to include #rhsfindmyfuture!
almost 5 years ago, RISD Communications
Friday 2/28/20 - RHS College & Career Day, 7:30am-11:30am. Post your selfies with your favorite booth. Don't forget to include #rhsfindmyfuture!
almost 5 years ago, RISD Communications
Royal High School students give back to our community by volunteering twice a month with the Houston Food Bank. At the 2/24/2020 event, RHS students serviced over 250 community members! Thank you for giving back!
almost 5 years ago, RISD Communications
Congratulations to our undefeated RHS soccer team! Keep it going straight to the top!
almost 5 years ago, RISD Communications
Royal Lady Falcons suffered a loss on Friday against Needville, but they kept fighting until the end and Jessica Aguilar scored off a free kick for us in the second half. Way to fight, ladies!
almost 5 years ago, RISD Communications
Girls Basketball (Falcons vs Boerne Greyhounds) Catch the Lady Falcons tonight at 6PM at Seguin High School as they battle for the Area Title! Student tickets $4 & $6 adults. Sequin High School 1315 E Cedar St, Seguin, TX 78155
almost 5 years ago, RHS High School
RHS Boys Basketball ( Falcons Vs. Wharton ) TONIGHT!! Lets Go Falcons!!! @ 7PM- Hopson Field House Fort Bend ISD 3335 Hurricane Lane; Missouri City, Texas 77459 .
almost 5 years ago, RHS High School
Ms. Olison and the RHS Technology Skills Club were treated to a tour of the Houston Amazon Fulfillment Center. The students enjoyed visiting the highly secured facility tour guides explained how up to 3K employees and robots process and ship the 500 orders PER SECOND!
almost 5 years ago, RHS High School
review room
1st trip
ROTC students recognized at Royal High School with a new picture display for their organization! It's hanging in the ROTC hallway.
almost 5 years ago, RISD Communications
RHS softball players celebrating their 8-4 win against Hitchcock!
almost 5 years ago, RISD Communications
The Lady Falcon Softball Team triumphed over the Fort Bend Marshall Lady Buffs last night with a score of 3 to 18. Player of the game and pitching ace Maddie Johnson recorded 6 strikeouts in the big win. Great job, Lady Falcons! We are proud of you!
almost 5 years ago, RISD Communications