Royal Prairie Elementary Principal Doreen Martinez, Welcome to Royal!

Doreen Martinez

Experience at Royal ISD: Previously worked at Royal for 1.5 years (June 1999-January 2001) and is excited to return!

New Role:
Doreen will proudly serve as the Principal of Royal Prairie Elementary School, opening in Fall 2025!

What's your "why"?
My โ€œwhyโ€ is to inspire, empower, and positively impact the lives of the children, staff and community I serve.

How do you contribute to "Investing in Our Tomorrow"?
I believe all children can learn and grow no matter what. I believe in the importance of goal setting and helping children celebrate their success along the way. I also believe any child can achieve their dreams by demonstrating effort, grit, and a growth mindset.

Favorite Quote:
"No matter what your ability is, effort is what ignites that ability and turns it into accomplishment."

2024-2025 Goals:
I want to learn the Royal Way and be able to align all we do in alignment with RISD District goals.

Spending time with family, traveling, arts and crafts, reading, learning new skills (especially technology and leadership), and enjoying the outdoors.

Fun Facts:
I love to learn new things! Especially technology and leadership skills. I love to read all kinds of books. I enjoy the outdoors and travel. I have 6 grandchildren, and three children. My kids are all grown up and living their best lives. My youngest daughter lives abroad, my son works out of state, and my oldest lives in Austin.

Superintendent Rick Kershner shared, "Doreen is a perfect fit for Royal ISD, and her leadership will truly help us invest in our tomorrow. "We are thrilled to welcome Doreen back to Royal ISD and look forward to her leadership as she prepares to open Royal Prairie Elementary School! #WeAreRoyal #InvestingInOurTomorrow