Further details have become available. The threat originated from an off-campus individual. All students are safe and still in lockdown mode. We will continue to work closely with law enforcement and will provide further details as they become available.

Hello Royal community. All RISD schools are still in lockdown mode, meaning that no one enters or leaves the campus as a safety precaution. All students are safe. We will continue to work closely with law enforcement and will provide further details as they become available.

The High School, Jr High, and Elementary each have a new Twitter account. Please follow them at: @risdhighschool,@royaljrhigh1, and @royalelem!

Are you a Texas history buff? Visit https://mailchi.mp/thc/experience-upcoming-texas-revolution-events?e=f22b230604 to learn about upcoming events that bring the rich history of our state to life.

Order that special someone in your life a Bouquet of a Dozen Roses designed by the RHS Advanced Floral Class. Click the following link to view the order form! https://5il.co/cvio Happy Valentine's Day!

RJH Lady Falcon Basketball Tournament in Giddings (@away), Jan 18

RJH Falcon Basketball Royal JH Tournament,
Jan 18

Your feedback is vital! Please complete the district bond survey if you havenโt already done so! The last day to submit your opinion is Friday, 1/17/2020. The survey is entirely confidential and should take no more than 5-7 minutes to complete.

RJH Lady Falcon Basketball vs Harmony @ away
Jan 13 at 5:00 PM

RJH Falcon Basketball vs Harmony @home
Jan 13 at 4:30 PM to 7:30 PM

4.5 hours left! RISD has pulled ahead. Thanks to everyone who voted! If you havenโt already voted, please go cast your vote for Royal!

Itโs getting too close for comfort! Please share the voting link with your social media friends so that Royal can win a segment on Channel 2โs Houston Life! Voting ends TODAY at 11:59PM. Vote here: http://bit.ly/COOLSCHOOLS

LAST CHANCE - Vote for us to win a segment on Channel 2โs Houston Life! Voting ends Monday, January 12th at 12:59PM. Vote here: http://bit.ly/COOLSCHOOLS

Vote for us to win a segment on Channel 2โs Houston Life! Voting ends Monday, January 12th at 12:59PM. Vote here: http://bit.ly/COOLSCHOOLS

Go Public Gulf Coast wants to know which of their Cool Schools is the best! Visit the following link and click Royal. Please share with your friends on social media to spread the word.

Royal Jr High Band Concert, 6pm

Understanding the issues concerning suicide and mental health is an important way to take part in suicide prevention, help others in crisis, and change the conversation around suicide.

NOTICE: Change in High School Graduation Date
New date: Friday May 22, 2020
Time: 7 pm
Place: Merrell Center

There will be no school tomorrow, May 10, due to potential flooding. This decision was made to secure the safety of our students, staff and parents.

RJH 8th grade students will travel to the University of Houston on Tuesday, April 30th.
Depart 8:00 a.m./Return 2:45 p.m.
Sack lunches will be provided.
Students can bring money, but it is NOT required.
If you have any questions, please contact RJH at (281) 934- 2255.