Updates on Back-to-School and Extracurricular Activities

Greetings, Falcons! 

Our 2020-2021 Cheer Captains are excited to announce updates on the upcoming school year. Watch the following video for important information about the 2020-2021 school year!


All Falcons will start remote classes on Wednesday, August 26. Royal Elementary Pre-K, Kindergarten, and first grade will begin in-person classes on Wednesday, September 16 if they selected face-to-face learning. All other campuses (Elementary 2-5, Jr. High, High School, and STEM) will return for face-to-face learning on Wednesday, September 23 if that was the learning option they selected. Visit the Start Strong, Stay Strong plan (Spanish) to learn more about the upcoming school year. Click here to view the schedule for the first four weeks of school and beyond.

Extracurricular Practices

Extracurricular practices and meetings start August 19. Check with your coaches and sponsors for times and locations! Watch your email and Google Classrooms for updates and additional information.

  • Wednesday, August 19, 3:30pm: Band and drill camp
  • Wednesday, August 19, 3:30pm: High school cheerleader practice
  • Wednesday, August 19, 6:00pm: Athletics summer strength and conditioning for grades 7-12
  • September 2: Official first day of practice for band and athletics (shorts and helmets)
  • Monday, September 7: Football practice (full pads)

Athletic Competitions

The Cross Country season kicks off in Sealy on September 19.  The first volleyball game is against Sealy at Royal on September 22.

Get ready for Friday Night Lights! The Freshman team will play at home against Boling on Thursday, September 24 and the Varsity team will play in Boling on Friday, September 25.

Visit https://www.royal-isd.net/article/280156?org=royal-isd to view schedules for fall sports.