10/31 Daily Fact at Five: Bond 2006, Bond 2020, and District Growth
“The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.” 

― Ralph Waldo Emerson

In today’s Daily Bond Fact at Five, we will review what was included in the 2006 bond, which was primarily intended for the construction of Royal High School and the Royal Early Childhood Center. Both the 2006 and 2020 bonds were intended to plan for upcoming district growth, while ensuring that existing facilities are safe and provide an atmosphere that maximizes the student learning experience.

Royal ISD is growing.

Royal ISD currently has a total student enrollment of 2,477 (as of 10/30/2020). Since the 2006 bond, Royal ISD has experienced a 29.89% increase in enrollment. Current estimates predict that the growth will continue, but at a faster rate. Freeman Ranch on FM 529 has 250 occupied homes, with another 82 in some phase of construction. Several other developments are expected to follow in the very near future. As the district continues to grow, our facilities will need to be prepared to allow Royal ISD to accommodate current students and welcome the new ones.

The bulk of 2020 bond Proposition A is intended to repair HVAC systems, update plumbing in aging buildings, replace leaking roofs, add classroom space, add buses to allow for district growth, and more to provide optimal and safe learning environments for Royal students. Royal ISD’s last bond was 14 years ago, in 2006. Prior to that, the last one was in 2000.

The 2006 bond also included provisions for additions and renovations to existing facilities and a refunding of the 2000 Royal ISD bond to save money and lower maintenance and operations expenses for Royal. Remember, the only way Texas school districts can fund capital expenditures and new facilities is with a bond.

Bond 2006 at a glance:

  • Proposition 1: $37,700,000 for construction of a new Royal High School to support enrollment growth and offer Royal ISD students a modern facility in which to learn.
  • Proposition 2: $15,150,000 for construction of a new Early Childhood Learning Center. This will accommodate student growth and enhanced educational programs.
  • Proposition 3: $9,100,000 provided district-wide additions and renovations to preserve and extend the life-time expectancy of existing district facilities.
  • Proposition 4: $1,000,000 provided the funds necessary to refund outstanding maintenance tax notes, which lowered maintenance and operations expenses for the school district.

Do Your Research, Get the Facts, and VOTE! The last opportunity to make your voice heard is Election Day, Tuesday, November 3.

Royal ISD is at a crossroads. Our buildings are aging and in need of repair to provide an atmosphere that maximizes the student learning experience. Just as a homeowner would repair the plumbing in an aging home or replace an HVAC system that has reached the end of its life, similar measures are needed at Royal ISD.

Growth is coming, and how we plan for it is up to us. The bond is divided into 3 propositions to provide voters with the opportunity to choose the options they feel are best for Falcon students. The Royal ISD bond website contains a wealth of information, particularly the FAQs and Straight Talk pages. If you are interested in learning more about the current state of the facilities at Royal and reading stories celebrating the great things our Falcon students are accomplishing, please visit the Royal ISD website!  

We are here to answer your questions. Please do not hesitate to reach out to the Bond Communications Team via email (cginn@royal-isd.net or rkershner@royal-isd.net) or via phone at 281-934-2248 (ask for Christi Ginn). The current administration is dedicated to transparency and positive change, and we welcome your questions.

Your partner in learning,
Royal ISD