Request for Gently Used Clothing and Essential Items for the Nino Family


Royal parents Julian and Tamara Nino have two children at Royal (in 5th and Kindergarten), and tragically lost their home to a fire on Wednesday of this week. Royal has connected the family with local organizations to provide them with food and with furniture. They are currently staying in a home in the area, and they have room to store donated items until they secure a new home.

Any gently used clothing donations, personal hygiene items, gift cards, and monetary donations are greatly appreciated. Please place gift cards and monetary donations in an envelope labeled with the familyโ€™s name. All donations may be delivered to RES (2-5) during regular school hours (7:45AM TO 3:45PM) between Monday 2/1 and Thursday 2/4.

Sizes are as follows:

  • Womenโ€™s: XL shirts, size 15 pants
  • Menโ€™s: 2X shirts, 38x32 pants
  • Girls/kids (5th): size 14 clothes, shoe size 3
  • Girls/kids (K):  6/7 clothes, shoe size 10

Please reach out to the RES Counseling Department with any questions:

Thank you in advance for your help!