Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a blessed holiday season. We were so excited to welcome our Falcons back on the 5th. This was a short week, but it was great to see so many smiling faces ready to learn and finish the year off strong. The spring semester is an important one. Many of our students have TELPAS and STAAR tests that they will take. We will also focus on ensuring our students master all curriculum needed to be successful in the coming school year. We are in the middle of basketball season for junior high. Soccer and track will begin soon.
Upcoming Events:
- January 12th- Boys Basketball at Bay City
- January 13th- Fall Semester Student Awards Assemblies (schedule is below)
- January 14th- Girls Basketball tournament at STEM and RJH 9:00-11:30
- January 16th- MLK Day, student and staff holiday
- January 16th- FFA Chili Supper Fundraiser 4:30-7:00 at Pattison Volunteer Fire Department
- January 17th- School Board Meeting at RISD Admin Building, 6:30
- January 19th- Boys Basketball at Needville, Girls Basketball at RJH
- January 27th- Progress Report Grades Due
- February 2nd- Progress Reports go Home
Awards Day Schedule, January 13th
- 8:15-9:00- 4th and 5th Grade
- 9:15-9:45- 6th Grade
- 10:00-10:45- 2nd and 3rd Grade
- 1:30-2:30- 7th and 8th Grade
Congratulations to our students and staff members of the month!
November 2022:
- Elementary- Leonardo Ruedas, 3rd Grade
- Junior High- Leo Arita, 6th Grade
- Emily Saldana, Library Aide
December 2022:
- Elementary- JP Gonzalez, 5th Grade
- Junior High- Kinleigh Guidry, 7th Grade
- Vincent Moore, 2nd Grade
Lunch Schedule:
- 6th-8th Grade- 11:05-11:35
- 2nd and 3rd Grade- 11:45-12:15
- 4th Grade- 12:20-12:50
- 5th Grade- 12:28-12:58
Parents may eat lunch with their students on Fridays. Any guest attending lunch must present a photo ID and be listed on Skyward.