What's Required:
The instructional arrangement/setting is for providing special education and related services to students who are served at home or hospital bedside.
(A) Students served on a homebound or hospital bedside basis are expected to be confined for a minimum of four consecutive weeks as documented by a physician licensed to practice in the United States. Homebound or hospital bedside instruction may, as provided by local district policy, also be provided by chronically ill students who are expected to be confined for any period of time totaling at least four weeks throughout the school year as documented by a physician licensed to practice in the United States. The student’s ARD committee shall determine the amount of services to be provided to the student in the instructional arrangement/setting in accordance with federal and state laws, rules, and regulations, including the provisions specified in subsection (b) of this section.
(B) Home instruction may also be used for services to infants and toddlers (birth through age 2) and young children (ages 3-5)when determined appropriate by the child’s individualized family services plan (IFSP) committee or ARD committee. This arrangement/setting also applies to school districts described in Texas Education Code, §29.0
What We Do:
Homebound instruction takes place in the student’s home when medical evidence has been submitted by a licensed physician, a licensed clinical psychologist, or a licensed nurse practitioner that the student is not able to attend school for a duration of time that exceeds four weeks. The diagnosis must have an explanation of how symptoms affect the child’s school attendance is required. Before the services begin, a specific treatment plan and a plan for returning to school must be put in place. If the student is capable of participating in the least restrictive school environment, there will be full-time homebound instruction provided.
Purpose of Homebound:
Homebound services provide students with academic instruction at home or hospital bedside during a temporary period of absence. This allows the student to be re-engaged successfully at their home campus when they are released by the physician to return. Homebound Services are designed to enable students with a medical condition to continue their coursework while they are temporarily unable to attend school. Homebound instruction is not intended to replicate what a student receives in their classroom setting. However, the same content that was provided in the classroom setting and current accommodations and supports will remain in effect and will be provided to the student through their homebound instructional services. The ARD committee will determine the homebound services that are needed for the student who is currently enrolled in the special education program.
Qualifying Descriptor:
A student must be enrolled in a Royal ISD school in order to be considered for homebound instructional services. To determine if the student is eligible for Homebound Services, medical evidence from a licensed physician, a licensed clinical psychologist, or a licensed nurse practitioner must be provided.
Physical ConditionStudents who obtain a physical condition that causes them to be unable to attend school may included those with terminal illnesses, those undergoing treatments that compromise their immune systems, those undergoing surgery, or in postpartum recovery (up to 6 weeks). The student must be free of infectious or communicable disease.
Mental Health ConditionStudents with psychiatric disorders, a mental healthy professional must be treating the student, and a psychiatrist or a clinical psychologist must provide the medical documentation. It should be noted that in some instances when a student is experiencing psychiatric difficulties, homebound instruction may exacerbate the student’s problems and would, therefore, not be approved. Other school-based alternatives may be appropriate.
Expectations of Royal ISD Homebound:
Due to the nature of student’s documented medical condition and their inability to physically attend school...
Students will be excluded for all non-academic, co-curricular activities with peers until the physician releases the student to return to school.
Students can be terminated if they are able to be involved in social, church, and family activities outside of the home, but remain unable to attend school.
A student will remain enrolled in their home campus and the homebound instructor will act as a liaison between the campus and the home.
90% of class assignments will be completed independently due to limited hours of face-to-face instruction from their homebound instructor. Students will have access to their campus teachers by phone or email for any questions or concerns they have regarding their assignments.
The student and parent(s) are encouraged to remain in communication with the student’s teachers at school to ensure a clear understanding of the TEKS for a successfully transition back into the classroom.
Parents must remain involved and active in their child’s education while on homebound.
Parents should be responsible for making sure assignments are completed and the student is engaged in his/her schoolwork as much as physically possible.
Please remember all requests for Homebound Services are initiated at the students’ campus by their diagnostician or school counselor.
Students are expected to attend school to the fullest extent possible, but homebound instruction may be provided to students who have a medical condition preventing them from participating in classroom instruction because they are confined to home or a health care facility.