65th Annual Royal FFA Show and Project Auction Results

The 2021 FFA Project Show, Parade and Auction is now history with new price-selling records in (3) project categories. Add-ons for student projects are coming in daily, and will continue through Wednesday, April 14. As of Monday, April 12, the auction total exceeded $270,000.00 for 72 student project lots.

Sale prices for the Champions and Reserves included:



Auction Price


Champion Horticulture Plant Show        

Stephanie De La Rosa               



Reserve Horticulture Plant Show       

Jessica Aguilar                     


Andy & Karen Murray

Champion Pen of Three Broilers       

Joshua McDonald                   


Brookshire Car Care

Reserve Pen of Three Broilers                      

Jarvis Campbell              


Gostecnik Law Firm

Champion Market Goat                                   

Jaylyn Danz                   


The Roof Depot

Reserve Market Goat                                   

Elizabeth Ibarra                


Tonkawa Farms

Champion Market Swine                             

Marwinae Wolfe              


Vahalik & Vahalik                        

Reserve Market Swine                               

Mackenzie Freeman        


Brookshire Car Care

Champion Market Steer                                 

Litzie Gonzales         


Goya Foods

Reserve Market Steer                              

Iliana Valencia          


Texas State Land Developers

Champion Heifer                                          

Kaelyn Hein                 


Scott & Michelle Hartman

Reserve Champion Heifer                             

Averi Rogney            


MLS Machining & Fabrication

Other activities associated with this traditional FFA event included the BBQ luncheon which fed over 580 people. The FFA Parade was another HUGE success for the participants and was a treat for those who viewed the entries along the parade route. Congratulations to the Brookshire Youth Sports League for being awarded the Best of Theme trophy at the parade award ceremony. Special thanks to Austin and Britanny Rivette for serving as this year’s Parade Sponsor!

A sale “Grand Total” along with a wrap up of the entire weekend activities will be available later this week on the Royal ISD website and social media pages. 

On behalf of the students and CTE staff of Royal ISD, we would like to say THANK YOU again to our Volunteer Adult Committees: Advisory, Auction & Sales, Parade, and Ag Club who make this great community tradition possible through their unwavering generosity and support.