Royal Athletics Week at a Glance 12/6 - 12/11
Week at a Glance: 12/6 - 12/12
Royal High School - Fall 2021 Final Exam Schedule
RHS Performing and Fine Arts Winter Showcase
12/17 Early Dismissal Schedule by Campus
Fire Incident at Royal High School
Join RHS Theater This Weekend to Experience "A Whole New World"
Make Your Voice Heard: Royal Bond 2021 Feedback Survey
Spirit Store Ordering Window Extended
2021-2022 Mens Varsity Soccer Schedule
RJH Life Skills Students Put Learning into Practice
Welcome Back, Falcons!
2021 Christmas Card Design Winner
Reminder! Buy Your Aladdin Tickets Today!
Take a Magic Carpet Ride with RHS Theater
Save the Date: Support The Bookworm Bus on Giving Tuesday!
North Pole Express Movie Night