Is Royal ISD hiring?
Although we are working and teaching remotely, Royal ISD remains open and is recruiting for teacher and staff opportunities.
Are job interviews happening in-person or online?
Job interviews will be conducted virtually to adhere to CDC social distancing directives.
Are the positions you are hiring for on-site or virtual?
During the COVID-19 outbreak, virtual work is highly encouraged whenever possible, though some opportunities will require that employees be on-site.
What tips do you have for candidates preparing for a virtual interview?
Test your technology(s) — Make sure your internet connection and video conferencing program are both working well prior to your interview.
Dress appropriately (if video conferencing) — Dressing for success is no less important for remote interviews. Dress smartly, like you would for an in-person interview, and ensure your surroundings are tidy.
Do your homework – Prepare just as you would for any other interview, rehearsing your responses to key interview questions and preparing your own questions for the interviewer.
Be personable — Make eye contact and generally engage with the interviewer to demonstrate your enthusiasm for the role (if video teleconferencing).
Remove distractions — Ensure you’re fully engaged with the interviewer by removing all distractions, including your cell phone.
Follow-up — Send a follow-up note to your interviewer, thanking them for their time.