Each year, parents are asked to complete an emergency release form to provide contact information in the event that school is dismissed early because of severe weather or another emergency. Please make sure that all emergency information is current and up-to-date. Donโ€™t forget to notify the school if there is a change of address or phone number.

The Board of Trustees authorizes the Superintendent to close school when it is in the best interest of the students and District. This is generally done for safety purposes or times of great tragedy. Local media will be notified and may be consulted when these events occur or threaten to occur (bad weather).


KTRH-740A M KPRC TV-Channel 2
KHOU TV-Channel 11
KTRK TV-Channel 13

During actual emergency conditions, students and faculty shall be retained at the school buildings unless otherwise directed by the Superintendent. Buses will not be made available for transportation until authorized by the Superintendent or a designee. Civil Defense vehicles, ambulances, firefighting units, police, and other authorized vehicles shall have priority in the vicinity of the school.