1. The Texas Education Code requires that school districts offer a Bilingual Education program at PK through 6 for any language with 20 students or more in the same grade level at any grade level across the district.
2. Texas law requires the teaching of both the student's native language and English. The state of Texas provides student textbooks in English and Spanish for Spanish-speaking students in a bilingual education program
3. The school district adopted the One-Way Dual Language bilingual model. In this program, students receive instruction in Spanish and English.
1. Texas law requires that students who do not receive a bilingual education program and are not fluent in English, receive an ESL program.
2. Students in grades PK-6 whose native language is not Spanish should receive instruction through an ESL program which does not include native language instruction.
3. All middle and high school students are served through an ESL program.
For more information about the program contact our dept. at (281) 934-6776