Royal ISD is providing notice to parents, families, and the community regarding back-to-school plans and instruction through this initial document. As further required, one week prior to the start of school, a plan to mitigate COVID-19 will be disseminated via Skyward to all families and posted on the district and school websites. Preliminary information is posted in this guidance and is subject to change based on state and local decisions.
COVID-19 Response Team โ Royal ISD has developed a COVID-19 Response Team to respond to concerns and communicate district decisions. Members of the team and email addresses are noted below:
Name | n/a | Kendra Strange | Aronda Green | Melissa Baker | Orlanda Vargas | Tony Runnels | Tekisha Housely | Derrick Dabney | Jesse Gonzalez |
Title | Acting Superintendent | Associate Superintendent | RES Principal | STEM Principal | RJH Principal | RHS Principal | DAEP Coordinator | Director of Operations | KIMCO Unit Director |
n/a |