Royal ISD Falcons will return to school on Wednesday, August 14, 2024.
Visit the links below to find everything that is needed to start the new academic year, including school supply lists, schedules, Meet the Teacher events, and much more!
STEP 1: Download the Royal ISD Mobile App
STEP 2: Student Registration
New to Royal ISD?

Please review the following before proceeding to the virtual registration process:
Registration Requirements (English)
Registration Requirements (Spanish)
2024-2025 New Student Enrollment Instructions (English)
2024-2025 New Student Enrollment Instructions (Spanish)
Interested in transferring to Royal?
Transfer Application and Policy for 2024-2025
PLEASE NOTE: NEW STUDENT REGISTRATION FOR THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL ENDS ON AUGUST 9, 2024. After August 9, we will begin accepting new enrollments after 1:00pm on August 14, 2024.
Returning Falcon?

Please log into Skyward to complete your required annual registration.
If you have forgotten your Login/Password, click here.
Please note that a disclaimer has been added to the Media Release form in Skyward to inform parents/guardians that if they choose no on the form, their Falcon will not appear on the website, social media, local newspapers, or the yearbook.
The annual income verification form is available in Skyward for the coming year and will need to be completed by each Falcon family. This information assists Royal ISD in obtaining program funding.
STEP 3: Back to School To-Do List

Find Your Falcon's Bus Route
Bus Routes
Bus Rider Information/Rules (Page 104)
Zonar MyView
Welcome to the Worry-Free Zone!
English Flyer | Spanish Flyer
Getting Started Videos (English - Spanish)
Meet Our Team!
Learn more about Royal ISD Transportation.

Meet the Teacher and Meet the Falcons
ECC Meet the Teacher - August 12, 2024, 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm)
RES Meet the Teacher - August 8, 2024, 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm
STEM Meet the Teacher - August 12, 2024, 5:00 pm - to 6:30 pm
RJH Meet the Teacher - August 8, 2024, 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm
RHS Meet the Falcons - August 8, 2024, 6:00 - 8:00 pm
Academic Calendar
Campus Hours
Student Records
Child Nutrition
Stay informed!
Campus School Supply Lists
Review Student Benefits and Perks
Get involved, make a difference!
STEP 4: Review the Following Resources
Help your friends and extended family
stay informed!
Athletics Schedules
(Watch for Updates!)
After-School Care
Royal ISD: Investing in Our Tomorrow
Royal Strategic Direction (Why We Exist)
Campus Behavior Coordinators
Click here to view our 2024-2025 Campus
Behavior Coordinators.