​Serving up appreciation for our teachers!

Superintendent Rick Kershner and the RISD Administration team treated staff at RHS and RJH to a hamburger lunch yesterday. Up today: STEM, RES, and ECC.  Thank you, teachers, for all you do to ensure that our Falcons soar! 

Cover Photo (L-R): RISD CFO Hector Herrera, RISD Superintendent Rick Kershner, RISD HR Director Luis Guevara

From Royal Administration (L-R): Secondary ELA Coordinator Erika Douglas, District Instructional Program Specialist Mara Tran, Superintendent's Administrative Assistant Gracie Espinoza, Special Services Administrative Assistant Diana Hernandez

Superintendent Rick Kershner

HR Director Luis Guevara

CFO Hector Herrera, HR Director Luis Guevara