ADDENDUM 1 (Posted 6/21/2023)
Royal ISD β Architectural Services
RFQ 001_2023
Revised Schedule: Due Date Extended
The proposal due date has changed from June 23, 2023 to Monday, June 26, 2023.
Bids will be Due June 26, 2023 at 1:00pm.
June 20th, 2023 Deadline for questions from architects pertaining to this RFQ.
June 26th, 2023 Responses to RFQ due in District office. District begin review and evaluation.
June 27th, 2023 District announce shortlist and contact firms to schedule interviews
July 10th, 2023 Architect Presentation
July 10th, 2023 Interviews and District Decision
Click here to view the PDF version of Addendum 1.
Royal ISD is soliciting architectural qualifications from firms interested in providing services to the school district. Royal ISD plans to use multiple architects for the execution of the approved 2023 Bond projects. If your firm wishes to be considered, please contact Jeff Hurd at so that your firm may be placed on the list for future communications about this RFQ.
Click here to view the PDF version.
Responses to this RFQ are due in the District's designated representative's office no later than 1pm on June 23, 2023. No responses will be accepted after that time, and any responses received after that time will be returned to the responder without being opened.
Scope of Work:
Royal ISD recently passed their 2023 Proposition A in the May 6, 2023 Bond Election and the following scopes are the basis of award for the selected architects:
- New Ag Science Expo Center
- High School Renovations
- HS CTE Renovations/Additions for the Culinary and Welding programs
- Elementary School Classroom and Learning Commons addition/renovations
- STEM Academy Renovations
- Jr. High School Renovation
- Early Childhood Renovation
- Transportation Center Addition Renovation
- Comment on your firm's staff level over the last five years.
- State the number of persons with your firm in the following positions, and if applicable, distinguish the number of each in the branch/office that would produce this work:
- Provide a professional resume for each of the key personnel on your proposed project team. Provide name, title, registration number, number of years with your firm, and number of years of K-12 design experience. A description of their K-12 design experience would also be helpful.
- Indicate which services listed below are provided by your firm. Indicate whether you provide it with in-house personnel or through an outside consultant. Also indicate whether each is included in Basic Services or available for an additional fee.
- Consultants. List firms you would consider using as consultants for the following areas (if applicable to this scope of work), how long you have worked with each, and comment on each firm's K-12 experience.
- Describe the process through which your firm will work with the District to produce the work pertaining to this RFQ.
- List the total number of projects* for the last five years, including additions and renovations.
- Provide the following information on five completed K-12 projects that represent your firm's work and services.
- Comment on your firm's current workload, commitments, and your capacity to manage the work of this RFQ at this time.
- Provide the following information on your five current school district clients with whom you have the most work under contract (in terms of construction cost).
- Comment on your firm's financial stability.
- Provide contact information on your primary banking reference.
- Comment on your firm's professional liability insurance and your commercial general liability insurance. Provide insurance company contact information.
- Describe limits per claim, annual aggregate, and deductible.
- Has your firm had any claims asserted against you within the last five years?
- If yes, provide details of each claim.
- Until a contract resulting from this process is executed, no employee, agent or representative of any professional services provider shall make available or discuss its proposal with the media in any form, electronic or printed, and elected or appointed official or officer of the District, or any
- The information contained herein is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. By signing below, the firm agrees to allow the District to contact references given and that the information regarding the size and scope of each project is accurate. Further, the signature below certifies that this RFQ Response has been completed with no collaboration with other firms competing on the same project.
- Conflict of Interest Questionnaire
- Felony Conviction Notice
Architects are encouraged to submit on all or specific project scopes.
Responding architects are to submit 2 printed copies and 2 jump drive with the submission in pdf format of your firm's response to this RFQ to:
Attn: Jeff Hurd
Please Mail to:
Royal ISD Administration
PO Box 489
Pattison, TX 77466
Please Hand Deliver to:
Royal ISD Administration 3714 FM 359
Pattison, TX 77466
Subject: Royal ISD Architectural RFQ Submission
Questions should be directed only to:
Responding architects are not to have any communication with anyone else associated with Royal ISD until after the District has contracted for the architectural services pertaining to this RFQ.
The deadline for questions is June 20, 2023.
Deadline: (See revised schedule at
Responses to this RFQ are due in the District's designated representative's office no later than 1pm on June 23, 2023. No responses will be accepted after that time, and any responses received after that time will be returned to the responder without being opened.
Schedule: (See revised schedule at
June 20st, 2023 Deadline for questions from architects pertaining to this RFQ.
June 23th, 2023 Responses to RFQ due in District office. District begin review and evaluation.
June 26th, 2023 District announce shortlist and contact firms to schedule interviews; if required
June 29th, 2023 Architect presentation/interviews; if required
July 10th, 2023 District announce decisionβs.
Form of Response:
Architect responders shall provide the information in the RFQ Questions below in the order requested. Submissions shall be secured or bound in a manner which permits the response to lay flat when open.
Provide all the following information.
Firm Name Address
City, State, Zip Code Website
Contact Person(s) β limited to two persons per respondent firm Contact No. 1:
Name Title Telephone Email
Contact No. 2: Name Title Telephone Email
State your firm's type of organization. Sole Proprietorship (individual) Partnership
Corporation Professional Corporation Joint Venture
Other (explain)
Number of offices and locations.
In a 100 word or less statement, please describe what makes your firm uniquely qualified to perform architectural services, including any superior qualities.
a. State the year your present firm was established.
b. State the number of years your firm has been designing K-12 projects.
c. Provide the name of your firm's parent company, if any, and its address.
d. List former company name(s), if any, and year(s) established.
e. List changes in firm ownership.
f. Identify the location of the branch/office and people that would produce this work.
g. State the current number of employees in the branch/office that would do this work.
h. State the total of employees in firm (all office locations).
Registered Architects
Registered Professional Engineers
k. List your firm's principals, number of years with the firm, and architectural registration number.
l. Who will be your designated representative assigned to Royal ISD?
m. Who is the senior member of the firm that will be assigned to Royal ISD?
Professional Service | Provided | Inhouse or | Basic Services or |
Yes/No | Outside Consultant | Additional Services | |
Site selection consulting |
Accessibility/ADA assessment |
Architectural design |
Interior design |
Acoustical evaluation and design |
Technology infrastructure design |
Landscape design |
Other: |
Civil Engineering Structural Engineering
Mechanical/Electrical/Plumbing Engineering Acoustical Design
Landscape and Irrigation Design Food Service Design
Other (explain)
d. Describe any other advantages offered by your firm that would be of benefit to the District.
*This list may include projects that are not completed as long as they are currently in design or under construction.
Project Type | New Construction | Addition/Renovation |
Elementary and intermediate schools |
High Schools |
Early Childhood Centers |
Agriculture Education Facilities |
CTE/Culinary Renovations/Additions |
STEM Academy |
Transportation Centers |
Name of project/school Name of school district Contact person, title, phone Contractor or CM
Project size Construction cost Project description
a. State the number of school districts your firm has provided services for.
Contact person, title, phone
Name and brief description of all recent projects completed in the last 12 months and each current project and the phase it is in.
a. Identify the software your firm offers.
employee, agent or other representative of the District, unless specifically allowed to do so by Rick Kershner, Superinetendent
Signature of Architect Printed Name and Title Name of Architectural Firm Date
c. Complete the following forms and include in this section
It is unnecessary to provide additional information, however, the respondent may include material or a brochure that would provide additional pertinent information about your firm relevant to this RFQ.