RISD School Bond Election

August 19, 2019

Royal ISD Community,

The Royal ISD Board of Trustees has called for a bond election in the amount of $34,824,000 to be held on November 5, 2019.  

The bond proposal is a comprehensive plan that addresses capacity, new student growth, safety and security, and aging infrastructure. It was developed through an in-depth process with a committee of citizens including parents, non-parents, district staff, community leaders and business owners. This committee, which was open to anyone and advertised to the community, met over the course of four months to study and prioritize the district’s current and long-term facility needs. Once they reached unanimous consensus with a facility plan, they presented their findings to the Board of Trustees who then studied the findings further and ultimately voted to call for a bond election.

Some of the projects proposed in the bond include:

  • An 8-classroom addition at the Early Childhood Center
  • Renovations to Royal Junior High including the Auditorium, Band Hall and Library
  • Renovations to the STEM Academy & ECHS including a controlled entry vestibule
  • Additional improvements at each campus 
  • Safety and security upgrades district-wide
  • The rebuild of Falcon Stadium and Track
  • A new access road from FM 359 to Royal Road and other drive improvements
  • Purchase of land for future school sites
  • New buses & more

β€œWe appreciate the work of the committee in developing this proposal. We encourage community members to get informed, attend a community presentation, and vote on November 5.” – Dr. Stacy Ackley, Superintendent 

If approved, the estimated maximum tax impact of the total bond proposal is anticipated to be an increase of 5.4 cents, but House Bill 3, a school finance bill passed recently by the 86th Texas Legislature, will compress the tax rate by 10.16 cents, resulting in a total tax rate of $1.4812. That is an overall decrease of 4.76 cents in the total tax rate. RISD property taxes for citizens age 65 or older are frozen as long as a homestead and over 65-exemption application have been filed with the local appraisal district.

In the weeks ahead, district officials will speak to residents to provide facts about the bond election and answer questions. In the meantime, here are some ways you can learn more about the bond election:

  • Review the attached Quick Facts sheet with information about the proposed projects.
  • Attend community presentations to learn about the bond proposition and ask any questions you may have. Presentation dates will be announced soon.
  • Visit the bond information website, www.royalisdbond.com, for details about the proposed projects, tax information, voting information and more.

Royal ISD residents will have the opportunity to vote on the bond referendum beginning with Early Voting, October 21 – November 1, and on Election Day, Tuesday, November 5. Any registered voter who lives within the school district boundaries is eligible to vote in the election. The deadline for new residents to update their address, or for residents to become a registered voter for the first time, is October 7.

It’s important to me that you’re well informed and have the information you need to be an educated voter. I look forward to engaging the community on this important issue in the months ahead.


Dr. Stacy Ackley


Royal ISD Election Order - English

Royal ISD Election Order  (Orden De ElecciΓ³n de Bonos)- Spanish

Royal ISD Notice of Election - English

Royal ISD Notice of Election (Aviso de ElecciΓ³n de Bonos) - Spanish

Royal ISD Proposition - English

Royal ISD Proposition (ProposciΓ³n del Distrito Escolar Independiente de Royal) - Spanish

Royal ISD Sample Ballot

Royal ISD Bond Website

Royal ISD Bond Quick Facts

School Bond Election Informational Community Meetings

Royal Debt Information

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