Royal FFA - Living to Serve

The FFA motto is โ€œLearning to do, doing to learn, earning to live, and living to serveโ€. 

On Saturday, November 9th, twenty Royal FFA members and officers traveled to the Brookshire Food Bank/Red Cross facility to perform the final line of that motto. A semi-truck full of fresh produce, canned goods, and other non-perishable items were unloaded and stacked throughout the parking lot. The FFA members walked the food rows with the public and helped them place the items into their vehicles.  The food bank service project mission was to ensure that every person had a stocked pantry. Once the families had taken what they could, the members then moved the leftover items into the Food Bank storage room, to be dispersed at a later date. โ€œEverybody there was so kind and enthusiastic! It was actually a really fun experience,โ€ Melani Alanis, an attending FFA officer commented. In the FFA, there is no doubt that our community plays a major role in our chapterโ€™s success, and it is a blessing to give back the same support to those in need and all of our friends in the community. 

FFA - Living to Serve

(Back row standing left to right) - Johnathan Kosmalski, Maya Lewis, Kaycee Lilly, and Anthony Villanueva

(Middle row standing left to right) - Deicy Robledo, Juan Grimaldo, Jessica Payton, and Erick Quintanilla

(Bottom row left to right) - Katy Arvizu, Shelby Fontenot, Melanie Arguello, Melany Alanis, Emily Contreras, Alondra Melendez, Samantha Lopez, and Omar Arriaga

FFA Officers

(Left to Right) - FFA Officers: Emily Contreras, Samantha Lopez, and Juan Grimaldo