Results of the 2020 FFA Project Compensation Plan and Pledge Drive

Good afternoon Royal Family, 

As you know, the 2020 FFA Show, Parade, and Auction were cancelled due to the COVID-19 situation. The 2020 FFA Project Compensation Plan and Pledge Drive was created to provide financial support to our local FFA members for their Livestock & Horticulture projects, as an alternative to the annual event. 

Our goal was to raise $110,000.00 to cover the cost(s) our students had invested in their projects. The pledge drive ended at noon on Saturday, 4/11/2020. The response was overwhelming up until the last days of the drive. We are pleased to announce that as of noon on 4/20/2020, $147,315.00 has been raised to purchase projects, add-ons to student projects, donations to the Advisory Scholarship Fund, and contributions to the FFA Building Fund. Thanks to our generous supporters, we exceeded that goal by approximately $37,000. 

All 94 student projects sold at the prices set on the Pledge Sheets that were distributed to our FFA supporters. Thank you to all who communicated with supporters, beat the bushes, knocked door-to-door, and made phone calls to make this happen!

Stay tuned for more information in the coming days for the Pledge Drive Grand Totals and and Advisory revenue totals. The RISD Ag leadership team is considering a virtual "meeting" as a group to celebrate.     

Again, we thank all pledge contributors for their faithful and generous support of our Royal FFA students.

With a faith born, not of words but of deeds, 

Ronnie Melton
Royal ISD Career & Technical Education Director