Did you know that U.S. Census Bureau data helps communities respond to natural disasters and secure funding for hospitals and fire departments? In the coming weeks, Royal ISD will be asking you to complete Census 2020 for your household.
A new school to ease overcrowded classrooms. A new road to ease overcrowded commutes. There are many ways the 2020 Census can shape your community. The results of the census, which is taken once a decade, help determine how billions of dollars in federal funding is distributed to states and communities every year. Read More!
Most households received their invitation to respond to the 2020 Census between March 12 – 20. These official Census Bureau mailings will include detailed information and a Census ID for completing the Census online. Please complete your form online, by phone, or by mail when your invitation to respond arrives. Visit my2020census.gov to begin.
You can inspire others. Tell everyone—your friends and family, neighbors and co-workers—that you will complete the census, and that they should respond now, too!