Week of 10/19-10/23: Sports, Early Voting, RISD Bond 2020 Facts, Falcon Flowers, Houston Food Bank, and More!

Greetings, Falcons! 

We have a busy week ahead! Please see below for events, announcements, recaps, and future events. Have a wonderful week! 

Your partner in learning,

Royal ISD

Voting, Royal ISD Bond 2020


  • Falcon Flowers:  Join today to order a monthly handmade Fresh Floral Design by a Royal Advanced Floral Design student.
  • Homecoming 2020: Congratulations to RHS 2020 Homecoming King and Queen Matthew and Lorelei!!! #royal❤️ #hoco2020 #classof2021

Week at a Glance

Monday, October 19

  • Houston Food Bank: October 19, 2020: Houston Food Bank at RHS, 4pm – 7pm
  • Special Board Meeting/Board Training, 6:30pm. Zoom link. Agenda.
  • RJH Volleyball: 5:00 pm @ El Campo
  • UIL Conference, 3:45 pm to 6:00 pm at Royal High School. Students interested in competing in the Academic UIL competitions should attend these informational sessions.

Tuesday, October 20

Thursday, October 22

Friday, October 23

Saturday, October 24

Looking Ahead

Looking Back