Royal Junior High ELA Paraprofessional Ruth Willis at RJH exemplifies all that Royal is... compassionate, kind, generous, and flexible, she rolls up her sleeves and "gets it done", no matter the task. Along with our students, I have learned so much from her. I think it was last year that she realized how much of a blessing she is to our students. An 8th grader wrote "An Ode to Ms. Willis", and it was about how when she walks in the room, he knows that he is going to be ok, that he will get his work done, that he will not falter, because she will not let him... I think he wrote his ode for all of us. Everyone should have a Ms. Willis in their life.
Ms. Willis has been my aide for the past several years. I couldn't do it without her.
Clare Morgan
RJH ELA Teacher