Special School Board Meeting and Hearing: Monday, August 30

Time: Public Hearing at 6PM, Special Board Meeting at 6:15PM

Agendas:  https://meetings.boardbook.org...

Public Comments Form: https://5il.co/hjo9

Individuals who wish to participate in the public comment portion of the meeting may do so by signing up in advance of the meeting. To sign up to speak, that individual must send an email to contactus@royal-isd.net by 5:15 p.m. Monday August 30, 2021, with your name, specific topic of discussion, and a phone number. Please also include your mailing address, designate whether you reside in Royal ISD and if you have children in Royal ISD Schools. At the outset of the public forum, the first 10 speakers to sign up will be called individually and allowed to speak to the Board.