Royal Marching Sound Machine Wins Big at Solo and Ensemble Competition

The Royal Marching Sound Machine showed up and showed out today!!!!

Gary S Miller III and Jesus Martinez received a Division 1 and will advance to the State Solo and Ensemble Competition. Cesar Sanchez, Matthew Segura, and Sergio Alanis received a Division 1 Ensemble and will advance to state. Zully Garces received a Division 1 on a grade 2 piece and received a silver medal. Colby Turner and Cesar Sanchez received a Division 1 on a grade one piece and received gold medals. 

Royal Band Director Gary Miller stated, "These students worked very hard and I am super proud of each one of them! When you see them, please congratulate them!!!"

RISD Superintendent Rick Kershner said, "Fantastic news! Very proud of all! Go get’em at state!"

Scroll down to see the smiling faces of our Falcon award winners!