Over the course of the week of March 21, 2022, the high school UIL Academics Team competed in the 24-4A UIL Academics District Competition. The students earned an array of medals. The biggest was bringing home the District Championship for the first time in over 30 years.
Team Recognitions received:
24-4A District Champions: Jose Alanis, Melani Alanis, Sergio Alanis, Yazmin Alvarado, Ian Arteaga, Max Arteaga, Skyler Bartels, Dylan Baxley, Isabell Bishop, Zoe Buller, Emily Contreras, Stephanie De La Rosa, Cindy Figueroa, Maria Flores, Alexcia Garcia, Angeles Garcia, Nayeli Gomez-Nino, Deanna Gonzalez, Lissy Gonzalez, Litzie Gonzalez, Paola Gonzalez, Alexis Ibarra, Ricardo Lopez, Samantha Lopez, Raychel Mayes, Alondra Melendez, Roberto Montalvo, Vladimir Moreno, Zunaira Noman, Abbigail Parada, Camila Quinones, Julissa Rico, Jesus Rico, Deicy Robledo, Leonardo Robles-Lara, Rafael Sanchez, Zariya Scott, Demarys Torres, Angel Velasquez, Gabriel Velasquez, Marwina’e Wolfe, Adamarys Zaragoza
2nd Place Team - Literary Criticism: Melani Alanis, Yazmin Alvarado, Alexcia Garcia, Vladimir Moreno, Julissa Rico
1st Place Team - Journalism: Melani Alanis, Yazmin Alvarado, Ian Arteaga, Emily Contreras, Alexcia Garcia, Nayeli Gomez-Nino, Alexis Ibarra, Ricardo Lopez, Samantha Lopez, Alondra Melendez, Abbigail Parada, Deicy Robledo, Demarys Torres, Angel Velasquez, Marwina’e Wolfe
1st Place Team - Number Sense: Jose Alanis, Melani Alanis, Litzie Gonzalez, Vladimir Moreno, Angel Velasquez, Gabriel Velasquez
1st Place Team - Current Issues: Yazmin Alvarado, Stephanie De La Rosa, Ricardo Lopez, Vladimir Moreno, Leonardo Robles-Lara, Demarys Torres
1st Place Team - Calculator Applications: Zoe Buller, Alexis Ibarra, Samantha Lopez, Roberto Montalvo
1st Place Team - Spelling: Stephanie De La Rosa, Cindy Figueroa, Deanna Gonzalez, Raychel Mayes, Zunaira Noman, Jesus Rico
1st Place Team - Accounting: Ian Arteaga, Lissy Gonzalez, Litzie Gonzalez, Paola Gonzalez, Alexis Ibarra, Samantha Lopez
1st Place Team - Mathematics: Zoe Buller, Litzie Gonzalez, Samantha Lopez, Alondra Melendez, Angel Velasquez, Gabriel Velasquez
Individual Recognitions:
Accounting: 1st place Alexis Ibarra, 2nd place Lissy Gonzalez, 3rd place Paola Gonzalez, 4th place Samantha Lopez
Calculator Applications: 1st place Samantha Lopez, 2nd place Alexis Ibarra, 3rd place Zoe Buller, 4th place Roberto Montalvo
Current Issues: 1st place Ricardo Lopez, 3rd place Vladimir Moreno, 6th place Yazmin Alvarado
Computer Applications: 2nd place Camila Quinones, 4th place Jose Alanis, 5th place Abbigail Parada
Copy Editing: 1st place Alondra Melendez, 2nd place Angel Velasquez, 3rd place Alexis Ibarra
Editorial Writing: 1st place Alexcia Garcia, 6th place Demarys Torres
Feature Writing: 1st place Melani Alanis, 4th place Alexcia Garcia
Headline Writing: 3rd place Yazmin Alvarado, 5th place Yazmin Alvarado
LD-Debate: 5th place Zariya Scott, 6th place Gabriel Torres
Literary Criticism: 1st place Vladimir Moreno, 4th place Melani Alanis, 6th place Alexcia Garcia
Mathematics: 1st place Samantha Lopez, 2nd place Zoe Buller, 4th place Angel Velasquez, 6th place Alondra Melendez
Number Sense: 1st place Angel Velasquez, 4th Litzie Gonzalez
News Writing: 1st place Melani Alanis, 2nd place Deicy Robledo, 5th place Alexcia Garcia
Ready Writing: 3rd place Alondra Melendez
Science Overall: 4th place Camila Quinones
Social Studies: 2nd place Max Arteaga, 6th place Deicy Robledo
Spelling: 1st place Raychel Mayes, 2nd place Stephanie De La Rosa, 5th place Jesus Rico
At this point 29 students will be attending UIL Regional Competition at Stephen F. Austin University April 22-24.
Please take the time to congratulate each and every one of these participants. They have all worked hard throughout the year. Also, a big, big shout out to the coaches. Your dedication to our students and their academic success is exemplary.