The Royal JROTC program is in its 7th year and has been extremely successful this school term. The cadets have accomplished a lot as a team and received numerous accolades for their hard work, community service, and commitment. The cadets are ever so present in the community when called upon to perform color guard details, as escorts, food bank assistance, campus volunteers with athletics, and on several other occasions we have accepted the call of duty within our community.
Guest of Honor, Keynote Speaker
Mr. Winthrop Nunn
Staff Awards and Appreciation
Tony Runnels
Laverne Patterson
Jill Pistor
LaSandra Watts
Mary Ann Jordan
Sandra Olison
Marilyn Vaughn
Douglas McGill
Community and Military Awards
The Third highest award that can be received by a cadet in the Marine Corps JROTC program is The American Legion Bronze Medal. It is for Scholastic Excellence and goes to Major Jenna Johnson for having academic achievement in all courses other than MCJROTC. She is in the upper 5 percent of the class with a GPA of 4.452% and currently ranked #6 in her graduating class of 2024. She has also demonstrated qualities of leadership and actively participates in student activities.
The Fourth highest award in the Marine Corps JROTC program is the American Legion Bronze Medal for Military Excellence which goes to Major Jenna Johnson for demonstrating outstanding qualities in military leadership, discipline, character, citizenship, and an academic standing in the upper 5 percent of ROTC classes with a GPA of 94%.
The Sons of the American Revolution is presented to a junior student in JROTC who has exhibited the highest standards of leadership, soldierly bearing, and excellence. The recipient is SSgt Daniel Baires.
The Sons of Union Veterans is awarded to a junior student in JROTC in recognition of their outstanding service as a cadet in the program. The recipient is GySgt Jesus Morales.
The Daughters of the American Revolution is presented to a junior or senior student in JROTC who is in the upper 25% of the class in all subjects. Has demonstrated qualities of dependability and good character, adherence to military discipline, leadership ability, and a fundamental & patriotic understanding of the importance of JROTC training. The recipient is Cpl Deicy Robledo.
The Military Order of the World Wars (MOWW) Bronze Medal is presented to a first year outstanding cadet who excels in both military and scholastic activities during the year. The recipient is Jason Ortega.
The Military Officers Association of America Medal is presented to a cadet for academic achievement. The recipient is Captain Diego Martinez.
The Veterans of Foreign Wars JROTC Medal is issued to three cadets who possess individual characteristics contributing to leadership both in and out of uniform. The recipients are: LCpl Juan Melo, Tayla Erba, & Jimi Foller.
The Daedalian Award is presented to a junior cadet who has demonstrated an understanding and appreciation of patriotism, love of country, and service to the nation. They must be ranked in the upper 10% of the JROTC class and upper 25% of the junior class. The recipient is 2ndLt Jason Pierce.
The Women Marines Association (WMA) Award is presented to the outstanding cadet in the unit. One who displays utmost teamwork, cares about her peers, and dedication to scholastic achievement and JROTC. The recipient is Tayla Erba.
The NonCommissioned Officers (NCOA) Association Medal is presented to the most outstanding cadet NCO in the unit during the past school year. A cadet who has consistently exhibited the best military bearing, personal appearance, deportment and leadership. The recipient is Cadet Cpl Deicy Robledo.
The Military Order of the Purple Heart JROTC Medal is awarded to a cadet who has a very positive attitude towards JROTC and country and also holds a leadership position. The recipient is LCpl Azaria Odulaja.
The Navy League Youth Medal is presented to a cadet in recognition of their professionalism, academic excellence, and dedication to the MCJROTC program. The recipient is Sgt Alan Garcia Ramirez.
The Reserve Officers Association JROTC Medal is awarded to 3 deserving cadets who have demonstrated outstanding competence in military skills and has contributed to the common good of the school, community, and nation. The recipients are: “Bronze Certificate 2nd Lt Jason Pierce, Silver Certificate 2nd Lt Brandon Flores, and Gold Certificate Capt Quentin Rozier.
The Naval Reserve Association JROTC Medal is awarded to a cadet in recognition of his or her outstanding service and dedication to the MCJROTC program, academic excellence and desire to serve the school, community, and nation. The recipient is LCpl Aiden Perez.
The American Veterans JROTC Medal is awarded to a cadet for diligence in the discharge of duties and the willingness to serve the school, community, and nation. The recipient is Capt Quentin Rozier.
The National Sojourners Award is awarded to a cadet in recognition of the highest attributes of Americanism and support of the United States as a member of the JROTC program. The recipient is LCpl Alberto Pacheco.
The Scottish Rite JROTC Medal is awarded to a cadet who has encouraged and demonstrated Americanism by deeds or conduct through participation in extra-curricular activities or unit sponsored community projects and has demonstrated exceptional dependability, character, self-discipline, citizenship and patriotism. The recipient is LCpl Juan Melo.
The Patriot Award is awarded to a cadet who has demonstrated superior leadership qualities as recognized by their superiors and peers. He or she demonstrates the character, qualities, and commitment expected of a member in training of the Marine and Naval Forces. The recipient is Major Jenna Johnson.
The Vietnam Veterans Award is awarded to a cadet who exemplifies the Core Values of the Vietnam Veterans in advocacy, meaningful achievement, integrity, compassion, and camaraderie. The recipient is Cpl Mary Parnell.
The Daughters of the War of 1812 is awarded to a cadet who has demonstrated qualities of academic excellence, leadership, military discipline, dependability, patriotism, and upright character in speech and habits which exemplify the ideals upon which our nation was founded. The recipient is LCpl Kaitlyn Rodriguez
The H.L. Hunley JROTC Medal is awarded to a deserving cadet who has demonstrated the traits of Honor, Courage, and Commitment to their JROTC unit. These qualities and character are similar to those men who perished aboard the H.L. Hunley submarine on February 17, 1864. The recipient is LCpl Jozzia Bustillo.
The General Robert E. Lee Leadership Award is awarded to a cadet who best emulates the leadership principles, moral character and dedication to duty. The recipient is 2nd Lt Brandon Flores.
The Jefferson Davis Award is awarded to a cadet who best emulates the leadership principles, moral character and dedication to duty. The recipient is LCpl Stewart Spindleman.
The Santos Benavides Heritage Award is in honor of Col Benavides, the commander of the 33rd TX Cavalry Regiment, who was the highest ranked soldier of the 12,800 Tejanos who served in the Confederate Army. It is awarded to a cadet who has exceptional character and citizenship, as well as distinguished scholastic achievement. The recipient is LCpl Areli Valdez
The Sergeant James Washington Memorial Award is in honor of the highest ranking documented black soldier serving within the regular component of the Confederate Armed Forces. It is awarded to a cadet who has exceptional character and citizenship, as well as distinguished scholastic achievement. The recipient is LCpl Zachary Hand.
The Dauthters of Amerian Colonist Award is awarded to a 1st year cadet in the rotc program who shows a high degree of patriotism to the United States of America and has demonstrated academic excellence in all classes and Leadership. The recipient is LCpl Ariel Sam.
The Korean World War Veterans Association Award is awarded to a cadet who is recognized for achievement citizenship, leadership and military discipline in the JROTC program. The recipient is PFC Jose Carlos Morales.
The Special Forces Award is awarded to a cadet for excellence in academics and JROTC. One who exemplifies the Core Values of the U.S. Army Special Forces. The recipient is Major Jenna Johnson.
Outstanding Cadets
1st Platoon
Daniel Baires Jasmine Escobar Brandon Flores Alan Garcia Ramirez
Jesus Morales Antonio Morales Mary Parnell Jason Pierce
Shamari Moss
2nd Platoon
Jimi Foller Jenna Johnson Jesus Martinez Katelyn Rodriguez
Areli Valdez
3rd Platoon
Jonathan Diaz Tayla Erba Sebastian Gonzalez Juan Melo
Totiana Kay
5th Platoon
Jose Cardona Leonardo Escobar Jordan Hood Angley Molina
Jose Carlos Morales Aiden Perez Ariel Sam Javier Ramos
6th Platoon
Alexander Castillo Luis Dominguez Zachary Hand Diego Martinez
Azaria Odulaja Fray Ortega Alberto Pacheco Deicy Robledo
Quentin Rozier
7th Platoon
Jozzia Bustillo Cameron Gonzales Daniel Oviedo
Stewart Spindelman Maximiliano Verduzco
Leadership By Initiative
1st Platoon
Jesus Morales Jason Pierce
2nd Platoon
Jenna Johnson Jesus Martinez Katelyn Rodriguez Jimi Foller
3rd Platoon
Sebastian Gonzalez
5th Platoon
Jose Cardona Natali Gomez Jordan Hood Adrian Moreno
Javier Ramos Jose Carlos Morales
6th Platoon
Alexander Castillo Zachary Hand Fray Ortega Quentin Rozier
Alberto Pacheco Deicy Robledo
7th Platoon
Cameron Gonzales Daniel Oviedo
Stewart Spindelman Maximiliano Verduzco
1st Platoon Highest Physical Fitness Score
Jesus Morales - 197
2nd Platoon Highest Physical Fitness Score
Jason Ortega – 227
3rd Platoon Highest Physical Fitness Score
Sebastian Espinoza – 204 (Male)
Aracely Melendez Soto – 148 (Female)
5th Platoon Highest Physical Fitness Score
Tyler Sam – 257 (Male)
Angely Molina – 176 (Female)
6th Platoon Highest Physical Fitness Score
Quentin Rozier - 231
7th Platoon Highest Physical Fitness Score
Cameron Gonzales - 194
1st Platoon Highest Academic GPA
Antonio Morales 91.75>#/p###
2nd Platoon Highest Academic GPA
Jenna Johnson 93.81>#/p###
3rd Platoon Highest Academic GPA
Tayla Erba 91>#/p###
5th Platoon Highest Academic GPA
Ariel Sam 90>#/p###
6th Platoon Highest Academic GPA
Quentin Rozier 92.43>#/p###
7th Platoon Highest Academic GPA
Stewart Spindelman 90>#/p###
1st Platoon Highest Marksmanship Score
Brandon Flores 264 Expert
2nd Platoon Highest Marksmanship Score
Jesus Martinez 245 Expert
3rd Platoon Highest Marksmanship Score
Totiana Kay 230 Expert
6th Platoon Highest Marksmanship Score
Fray Ortega 266 Expert
7th Platoon Highest Marksmanship Score
Cameron Gonzales 247 Expert
Company Highest Academic GPA
Jenna Johnson 93.81>#/p###
Company Highest Physical Fitness Score “Male”
Tyler Sam 257
Company Highest Physical Fitness Score “Female”
Angely Molina 176
Company Highest Marksmanship Score
Fray Ortega 266 Expert
The Marksmanship Team High Shooter
Jenna Johnson 250 Expert
Support Staff
Areli Valdez Jordan Hood Jozzia Bustillo
Most Improved Cadet
Alan Garcia Asahn Antonio Isabella Escalon Sebastian Espinoza
Francisco Moctezuma Julian Serrano Tyler Sam Aiden Perez
Diego Rios Javier Ramos Azaria Odulaja Jozzia Bustillo
Jayden Edwards Arnulfo Olivares Gabriel Soto
Gung Ho (Motivation Award)
Daniel Baires Jesus Morales Jenna Johnson Quentin Rozier
Kaitelyn Rodriguez Jonathan Diaz Tayla Erba Juan Melo
Natali Gomez Adrian Moreno Aiden Perez Javier Ramos
Zachary Hand Diego Martinez Azaria Odulaja Deicy Robledo
Cameron Gonzales Stewart Spindelman
Public Affairs (PAO)
Isabella Escalon
Courage Award
Daniel Baires Brandon Flores Arnulfo Olivares Stewart Spindelman
Jimi Foller Jenna Johnson Tayla Erba Jozzia Bustillo
Adrian Moreno Javier Ramos Luis Dominguez Julian Serrano
Azaria Odulaja Jordan Hood
Most Reliable & Dependable
Jenna Johnson Jesus Morales
Company Leadership Plaque (MCJROTC Booster Club)
Kaitelyn Rodriguez Jesus Morales Jenna Johnson
Awesome JROTC Color Guard
- Outstanding National Bearer = Jenna Johnson
- Outstanding Organizational Bearer = Daniel Baires
- Outstanding Left Rifle Bearer = Jesus Morales
- Outstanding Right Rifle Bearer = Brandon Flores
Up and Coming Middle School 8th Grader
Tomas Morales
Overall Outstanding Cadet in The Program
Cadet Major Jenna Johnson