Title. Principal of Royal JHS
Short Bio.
My name is Marcus McLemore, I am from Richmond, Texas. I have been in education for 27 years with 15 being in the area of Administration, I formerly coached Varsity football as well. My undergraduate work was completed at Texas State University in San Marcos, and I received a Masters degree from the University of Houston. I have worked in Lamar CISD, Brazosport ISD, Sweeny ISD, Bellville ISD, Rice Consolidated ISD as well as Royal ISD. This will be my second time around at Royal ISD. This will be my 3rd year as a building Principal.
Quote: Those who say it can’t be done are usually interrupted by others doing it.” James Baldwin
Movie: A Soldier's Story
Two Goals for RJH:
1. Shaping a vision of academic success for all students and staff.
2. Cultivating a positive culture and climate.
Hobbies: I really enjoy deep sea fishing along with investing in rental properties.
Other Information:
I am happily married to Michelle McLemore, we have 6 kids,
Jade 16
Malik 22
Austin 26
Taylor 29
Brook 30
Blake 32
It is great to be back at Royal ISD with the opportunity to grow our children.