You don't always have to teach to encourage learning - No siempre debe enseรฑar para promover el aprendizaje -
almost 6 years ago, Royal ISD
Help your child turn 'I can't' into 'I think I can' - Ayude a su hijo a convertir el 'No puedo' en 'Creo que puedo' -
almost 6 years ago, Royal ISD
Teach children to look for a solution, not a fight - Ensรฉรฑeles a sus hijos a buscar soluciones en vez de peleas -
almost 6 years ago, Royal ISD
Model the behavior you want to see from your child - Modele el comportamiento que quiere ver en su hijo -
almost 6 years ago, Royal ISD
Ask questions to encourage responsible behavior Kids who behave responsibly get along better with teachers and classmates. They are also more likely to try, follow through and succeed in school. To help your child consider the consequences of her actions, ask questions like "How do you think Sarah felt when you said that?" Asking "What happened first?" or "Why do you think that happened?" helps develop your child's understanding of her role in a situation.
about 6 years ago, Royal ISD
ask questions
Haga preguntas que fomenten el comportamiento responsable Los niรฑos responsables se llevan mejor con los maestros y compaรฑeros de clase. Tambiรฉn suelen probar cosas nuevas, perseverar y tener รฉxito en la escuela. Para ayudar a su hijo a tener en cuenta las consecuencias de sus acciones, hรกgale preguntas como, "ยฟCรณmo crees que se sintiรณ Sara cuando le dijiste eso?" Preguntar "ยฟQuรฉ sucediรณ primero?" o "ยฟPor quรฉ piensas que sucediรณ eso?" ayudarรก a su hijo a comprender su funciรณn en cierta situaciรณn.
about 6 years ago, Royal ISD
Ask questions
Relรกjese y observe la naturaleza con su hijo Utilice los juegos al aire libre para promover las habilidades de observaciรณn y la creatividad de su hijo. Para ayudarlo a beneficiarse de la naturaleza, hรกgale preguntas como, "ยฟPuedes sentir en quรฉ direcciรณn sopla el viento?" o "ยฟQuรฉ estรก haciendo esa hormiga?" Dรญgale que cierre los ojos e identifique los sonidos que oye. Y no se apresuren para volver a entrar. Dele tiempo para dibujar con un palito o tocar una flor. ยฟPuede inventar un poema o una historia sobre la naturaleza?
about 6 years ago, Gracie Espinoza
Relax and observe nature with your child Use outdoor play to build your child's observation skills and creativity. To help him learn and benefit from nature, ask questions like, "Can you feel where the wind is coming from?" or "What is that ant doing?" Have him close his eyes, then identify the sounds he hears. Don't rush back inside; give your child time to draw with a stick or touch a flower. Can he make up a poem or story about the outdoors?
about 6 years ago, Gracie Espinoza
Let Time Outdoors Nurture Development
STEM/ECHS El Perรญodo De Aplicaciรณn Para El Aรฑo Escolar 2019-2020 8 de Abril 2019 - 10 de Mayo 2019
about 6 years ago, Gracie Espinoza
STEM- Span
STEM/ECHS Application Window April 8, 2019-May 10, 2019
about 6 years ago, Gracie Espinoza
STEM - Eng
Supervise las actividades en lรญnea de su hijo y hable de ellas Internet puede ser una maravillosa herramienta de aprendizaje para los niรฑos. Pero es importante que verifique que su hijo la use de forma segura. El FBI recomienda que usted supervise el uso que su hijo hace de internet. Estรฉ al tanto de los sitios web que visita. Hable sobre sus valores con รฉl. Dรญgale quรฉ sitios estรกn prohibidos, y por quรฉ. Recuรฉrdele que nunca debe dar informaciรณn personal, pues las personas en internet podrรญan no ser quienes dicen ser.
about 6 years ago, Gracie Espinoza
Supervise and discuss you child's online activities
Supervise and discuss your child's online activities The internet can be a wonderful learning tool for children. But it's important to make sure your child uses it safely. The FBI recommends that you supervise your child's internet use. Know the sites she visits. Talk about your values with your child, and let her know which sites are off limits and why. Remind her that she should never give out personal information; people on the internet may not be who they seem.
about 6 years ago, Gracie Espinoza
Supervise and discuss your child's online activities
Royal FFA Unveils Parking Plan for Saturdayโ€™s Project Auction Event
about 6 years ago, Gracie Espinoza
FFA Parking Plans
Please join us for our 63rd Annual Royal FFA Livestock & Horticulture Show & Sale! We canโ€™t wait to see you there. #tradition #RoyalFFA #learnleadsucceed
about 6 years ago, Gracie Espinoza
FFA Events
January is School Board Recognition Month
over 6 years ago, Gracie Espinoza
School Board Recognition Month
RISD STEM Academy receives national recognition for commitment to empowering students
over 6 years ago, Mike Nicholas
The Royal Independent School District is a 4A school district, located in southern Waller County serving the communities of Brookshire, Pattison, Sunnyside and surrounding areas.
over 6 years ago, Mike Nicholas